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Securing wall sheathing

Debra Graff|发布了General Questionson

I have two questions about securing plywood wall sheathing:

1) Many local contractors are now using staples to secure sheathing instead of nails. I never heard of that. I realize that it can meet local code, if properly installed, but will it do an adequate job of earthquake resistance in seismic zone C? (moderate risk) We also occasionally get high winds or tornadoes.

2) The house walls are wood studs above floor joists, with raised heel roof trusses above the studs. I thought that it would be best to use the plywood sheathing to help tie together the studs to the sill plate and studs to the trusses.

But the contractor I’m interested in using was planning to sheath the studs before raising the wall, and then add a narrow strip of sheathing separately to the band joist below (and the raised heel above). That wouldn’t help tie the studs to the anchored sill plate below. Is this acceptable practice?

I forgot to ask him if he plans to use staples for the roof sheathing, too.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The International Residential Code provides a fastener schedule for wall sheathing when staples are used (see Table R602.3, reproduced below).

    When it comes to specific requirements for seismic areas and high-wind areas, it's best to consult an engineer.


    Habitat for Humanity recommends the approach I was taught in its guide,"Building, Standing, and Bracing Exterior Walls."

    在授权的Weyerhauser指南中“地板,屋顶和墙壁Panel Installation,"I see no specific advice on the issue.


  2. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#2


    To me the best compromise is to run the plywood 1 1/2" higher than the top plate when sheathing the wall on the subfloor, and doing the same at the bottom of the second floor sheathing above. This leaves a narrower strip at the rim joist.

  3. Jaccen||#3

    Martin, thanks for the link to the Habitat Framing Guidelines. Great pictures and it covers pretty much everything. If you have any others similar to it for other construction aspects, they're greatly appreciated. Cheers.

  4. Tim R||#4

    Make sure you follow the footnotes in the table & know if the design was based on the panel joint having blocking. A unblocked shear wall deflects 2.5 times of a blocked shear wall. Deflection = damage in earthquakes or wind loading

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