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Gents … I am surprised that I cannot find internet guidance on optimum door sealing design, tested methods and materials. I have a mid-range Lowe’s back entrance door facing NW that allows some air in at the bottom corner all the time and when it’s windy the air leak spreads up the jamb and across the threshold.

I have considered the following solutions:

- 过度中心的压缩闩锁 - 门的上方一个,一个在门的下端,一个在门的下端,将门推向停靠站
- 售后市场的金属阈值JAMB推动门底座
- 新的5或6鳍底扫
– corner pads on the two bottom corners (the most common point of air leaks on all doors, I understand, is the bottom corners)

I looked at Passive House sites and found nothing inspiring.




PS my very well airsealed and insulated house has passive/manually controlled air inlets in strategic places for fresh air ventilatin and make up air at the neutral pressure plane as well as near the wood stove, dryer, range hood vented areas so I don’t need the fugitive infiltration at the doors.

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    关心在门口泄漏的富裕房主购买具有多点闩锁的欧洲门。一些Passivhaus建筑商称赞来自波兰的Drewexim门。这些门的成本低于德国门。(有关Drewexim门的更多信息,请参阅Visiting Energy-Smart Designers and Builders in Maine

    具有单点闩锁的美国外门很难空气密封。通常的方法就是您正在做的事情 - 根据需要调整罢工板位置,并摆弄售后风雨条以试图限制最严重的空气泄漏。

  2. 字符lie Sullivan||#2

    There are also "multi-point" locks available on US-made doors, or as retrofits. They pull and hold the door in at top and bottom, various places and various ways. It's much more expensive and involved to install than adding extra latches, but it's more convenient and is safer as an egress door in an emergency, since one handle undoes all the latches.


    You might find the answers to my related question a while back interesting:

  3. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#3

    From what I can see looking at the exposed bits on the jamb, the mechanisms look quite complex. I wonder if this is going to mean hiring a locksmith or other specialist when things go wrong, rather than doing what we do now and just head to the hardware store?

  4. ALAN Hart-McArthur||#4

    经过三十多年的磨坊业务,我对Endura的Trilennium多点锁系统印象深刻。它们在1 3/4英寸和2 1/4英寸的厚度上覆盖单门和双门,内部有杆/杠杆或杠杆,并在外部手柄握把/拇指闩锁。多种饰面和样式。它们效果很好,可以安装过典型的双孔。。。但是他们确实从非常熟练的安装程序那里获得了额外的工作。将马虎门拉成与天气播种表面的最佳系统。

  5. 霍比特人_||#5


    I'm skeptical of sill sweeps/bulbs since as a sliding fit they will
    eventually wear out; a threshold compression piece along the bottom
    weatherstripping on its face and mangle it.

    And the Endura "corner pads" definitely help, *if* you have that type
    add a couple of small pieces of stick-on foam gasket in strategic


  6. 字符lie Sullivan||#6

    I suppose if you aren't particular about how it looks, you could simply install two extra ordinary lever-handle door latches, one at the top and one at the bottom, and have a rod connecting the ends of those levers to the lever handle on the regularly positioned lockset, so that when you open the ordinary one, all three open. Closing it would likely require an extra push at the top and at the bottom, to get them to latch. It would mean you'd cut two extra holes in the door, and the heat loss through those holes might be more than the gain from better sealing, unless you omit the exterior handles and cover over those spots with extra insulation--like some of that R6 housewrap stuff (just kidding).

  7. 窗格Plate||#7


    When I go for new doors, I will go up market and might bite the cost of the Endura three point locking system. But for the time being I found a good price on Southco's over center compression latch designed for gasketed doors. I will mount two on the door (top and bottom) with the latch on the casing.

    These compression latches are typically found on freezes and commercial coolers. Will use them at night and during storms on the back door and less publicly used entrance door. I will avoid this weather side entrance during winter windy season. Its too fine a view for a permanent fence or evergreen tree, wind break close to the house. Use XPS fabric covered, velcro insulation panels on the north and west windows and doors.

  8. 窗格Plate||#8


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