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Joe Norm|发布一般的问题on

计划新的版本,并希望将Roxul Comfort Board在外部安装,并结合墙腔中的纤维素吹来。



Second option would be reverse board and batt. Laying the battens on first creates an air gap behind the board.


Anyone see an issue with this idea?

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  1. Expert Member
    Peter Yost||#1

    嗨,乔 -

    First, you did not mention your weather-resistive barrier. Will that be located to the interior of the exterior rigid insulation? That is where I would locate the WRB in this assembly.

    其次,我希望我的覆层后面的空间 - 污染的金属或反向板以及板条 - 是真正的专用通风孔和免费的排水空间。对于这些覆层,这意味着水平面向的间隔者。这意味着切断的毛茸茸的条或纵横交错的毛茸茸的条或“蜂窝”制成的垫片。


    1. Joe Norm||#4

      Thanks Peter,


    2. Expert Member
      Malcolm Taylor||#9


      反向板&板条更容易水分getting into the cavity than many other types of siding.

  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2

    我不同意彼得对此。半刚毛的矿物质羊毛自由排水 - 这是一种固有的排水良好和干燥的方法。问题不涉及需要更大的空间空间 - 问题涉及在矿物质羊毛上安装任何东西的困难,这很笨拙。

    If your installers have the right touch, it will work just fine.

  3. Joe Norm||#3


    I wonder just how "squishy" it is? Around here the minimum order for comfortboard is a pallet, so I better be sure it will work well.

    I imagine corrugated metal over this product is ideal, the large surface area of the metal panel might help it resist deflection into the Roxul. I would be using a heavy gauge deep corrugation so the panels are quite rigid.

    1. Expert Member

      Are the corrugated panels rigid in both axes? The corrugated panels I’ve seen are always stiff in the axis parallel to the corrugations, and pretty floppy the other way. You don’t want a ripply look to your wall if the fastened parts of the corrugated panels squish into the mineral wool more than the rest of the panel.

      I’ve cut pieces of small galvanized pipe to make standoffs in the past. You put a fender washer on each end and thread a bolt all the way through with the pipe acting as a sleeve in the middle. The pipe then takes the compressive force of the bolt so that the soft material doesn’t squish. It works well, I’ve done this many times to mount heavy things (masts and signage) on soffits that don’t have enough structure to support anything else. The downside is it’s a lot of extra labor to install.


      1. Joe Norm||#7

        Yes, floppy one direction but I would think the stiffness in the other direction would distribute the force enough to resist squishing the board. Hard saying not knowing. No way would I ever create pipe standoffs, waaaay too labor intensive.

    2. Expert Member


      The problem isn't only that they are squishy (they are squishy enough to be compressed by 2x3 strapping) but also that they are not uniformly squishy. This is the bigger pain, need to adjust every screw to get things level or make standoff (like Bill suggests). Both labor intensive.



      Until the mineral wool folks get they product more consistent and cheaper, I would stick with other types of rigid insulation or go with a wall assembly that doesn't use exterior insulation.

  4. Keith H||#8


    DIYer here:
    I've used mineral wool board in two applications.


    其次,与您的情况更相关,我用它来对现有结构进行重新填充灰泥维修,该结构的构建约为3.25英寸(1英寸XPS,疯狂的绑带和空气散发)。我能够使用2 3/8“ R-10产品(难以获得,现在我有很多过量),带有薄皮(某些绑带更像5/8“比3/4”)。它是一些工作要使皮带相对平坦。我无法想象在上面安装膝盖。灰泥的上面很糟糕,因为不可能将灰泥牛拉得足够紧,我不得不在上面使用愚蠢的灰泥补丁。皮带电报。我认为基本上不再存在排水距离。值得庆幸的是,这只是一个小补丁。如果我再次进行此类工作(目前,我正在使用废料泡沫绝缘材料我不得不处理没有差距的恐怖闪烁的地方,我会将灰泥包裹物直接放在矿物羊毛顶部,然后将电线直接固定在灰泥包裹上(没有间隙)。那时它可能会很好地灰泥。我没有考虑制作对峙,因为它不会对灰泥造成帮助。如果我打算做对象,我个人会考虑尝试使用PVC管道(1/2“ ??),然后弹出密尔沃基一手电池供电的小直径管道/管道切割器(<$ 200)。您可以以这种方式以轻快的速度进行PVC僵局。



    Good luck! I love the Roxul batts but the boards seem like they offer challenges for siding.



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