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Siding with no sheating options

JTD83| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I recently acquired a 70’s home with wood clapboard siding. I had planned on taking off the clapboard, adding tyvek and re-siding. To my surprise, thee clapboard is functioning as the sheathing. I know the best is likely to replace clapboard with sheathing and start over but would now like to come up with an option of leave the clapboard and go over top. It is in Ok condition
I am thinking I have a couple of options for new vinyl siding

1) Strap the entire house and applying new siding to furring strips. Would tyvek be used in this situation?
2) Apply 1″ rigid foam over the clapboard and vinyl applied directly on the foam.

Any advice for this situation?
P.S. window and door detailing is not a major concern as they will be replaced.

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  1. Andy S||#1

    What's the original problem you're trying to fix with housewrap and new siding?
    Is the siding completely shot? Is the house freezing cold? Drafty? There's likely better solutions to the original problem that don't involve as much money and waste.
    What's your climate?

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