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喷雾泡沫混合闪光和巴特帮助!wet wall cavity

詹姆斯·伯尼尔| Posted inGeneral Questionson

We have new construction and have dry wall up and painted. Have spray foam 2″ on exterior wall and flash and batt in wall cavity. Had a cold snap and with humidity in house the vapor went through wall on north and east side of house, hit the spray foam and condensed. We have heat on 62 and have 2 contractor size dehumidifiers running. The humidity level now is 50 , basement is 55. Has been a whole week. How long to dry. It is maine, and rainy out for next 3 days so feel that high humidity outside may help to drive vapor back inside. How long will this take or will we need to remove drywall? Had a professional company do the insulation and it seemed to be 2 ” every where. Feeling pretty upset.

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  1. 斯蒂芬·埃奇(Stephen Edge)||#1


  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Laurie and James,
    Although your post is ambiguous, I'm going to assume that the only foam on your walls is 2 inches of spray foam on the interior of your wall sheathing. I'm going to assume that you don't have any rigid foam on the exterior of your wall sheathing. If I have misunderstood, you will have to clarify the issue.

    You didn't mention your climate, so we have no way of knowing whether the foam on your walls is adequate to avoid problems. If you read the following article, you can learn more about foam thickness requirements:计算刚性泡沫护套的最小厚度.

    您还没有提及您的承包商是使用开式泡沫还​​是闭孔泡沫。我当然希望您拥有闭孔泡沫 - 因为那是唯一适合闪烁泡沫工作的喷雾泡沫。


    Assuming that you have closed-cell foam, it has an R-value of about R-13. That's adequate for a 2x4 wall in all U.S. climates; but if you have 2x6 walls, it's not quite enough for Climate Zones 7 and 8.

    Here's the last question: If your walls are covered with gypsum drywall, how do you know about this condensation? Are you getting so much condensation that liquid water is dribbling out of the bottom of your walls?

  3. 詹姆斯·伯尼尔||#3

    谢谢。我们在缅因州西南部。我们有干墙并涂漆。我丈夫只是感觉到,所以首先在没有石膏板的膝盖上检查了地下室的绝缘材料。它朝向喷雾剂侧湿。然后在一楼的干墙底部制成小孔。弄湿。是的,2x6结构。闭孔泡沫。是的,我丈夫可以从您的陈述中理解为什么2x4可以。 The fiberglass in the cavity is R15. Cold snap a week and a half ago down to -5 in the early morning.

  4. 詹姆斯·伯尼尔||#4

    Correct. We have just the 2" sprayfoam on the interior of outside wall.

  5. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#5

    Laurie and James,
    Southwest Maine is Climate Zone 6, so you should be OK in the long run. Your problem appears to be due to construction moisture.


  6. 詹姆斯·伯尼尔||#6

    Doing all 3. Have mechanical ventilation up and running the last 4 days. Fans, 2 good dehumidifiers and heat at 62. Thanks . Will try to relax a little.

  7. David Meiland||#7

    There won't be any problem if this goes on for a few months or similar short period. In the long run, I think you should be using a hygrometer to monitor indoor temperature and humidity, and make sure it is within acceptable levels. You need to do a bit of research and find a decent, accurate unit. It is also possible that your HVAC contractor could install a thermostat with a RH% readout. If your house is tight, you will need to stay on top of this and make sure you're ventilating enough.

  8. 詹姆斯·伯尼尔||#8


  9. David Meiland||#9


  10. 詹姆斯·伯尼尔||#10

    yes we are measuring with a humidistat. We tested accuracy. We have moved in basement from 65-50. And first floor from 55- 45. Temp is at 65 interior first floor. A bit lower in basement. 2nd floor also wet. We have opened up 3" upstairs and downstairs to get air in there. Concerned that the wet insulation has lost r value to the point that the warm air is passing through wall and making it worse. It seems worse today. Temp outside has been 25 degrees last night, likely 39 today, then another cold snap coming. We are really appreciative of help here.

  11. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#11



    With new construction the sources of excess humidity are many- the wood framing, concrete etc, but once you've purged it the problem won't recur- you won't need industrial strength dehumidifiers forever. If much of the wood in the house was exposed to rain during storage & assembly it can be several times more moisture to purge than if the materials were kept dry throughout.

    The high humidity outside during the recent warm periods is only a remote secondary factor, and should not increase the condensing rates. Higher temps would in fact DECREASE the rate of water accumulation on the surface of the foam, since it would be warmer, closer to (or higher than) the dew point of the interior air. If it only seems to show up during rainy weather, you have a LEAKAGE problem, not a condensation problem.

  12. 詹姆斯·伯尼尔||#12

    ok, we may close it back up though it is dry where it is open, 3 inches along the bottom.. We are almost ready to bulldose it and walk away.

  13. David Meiland||#13

    >>Opening up the drywall only adds to the condensation, since the warm humid air can now reach the cool surface of the foam relatively unimpeded


    Personally, I think removing the drywall is OK. When disaster remediation companies go in to dry out a house where a major leak has occurred, they remove areas of drywall (not necessarily areas that were water damaged) so they can inject lots of heat and air into the wet cavities.

    我一般在大修理工作后泄漏recently, and the company that came in raised the air temp to 90 degrees using 240v heaters, along with several dehumidifiers and a couple of "injecta-dry" machines that blew hot air through tubes into framing cavities (we had to repair a lot of small holes in the drywall from that operation). It was very, very effective, and also expensive.

    I think your 65 indoor temp is on the low side for a dry-out. Get another heater or two and get it above 70. The dehumidifiers will work faster and the whole thing will be over sooner.

    关于推土机,我知道您的感受,但最重要的是您不知道这将会发生,并且没有准备好。这是正常的,尽管您应该在干式墙上升高之前干燥,并监测湿度。这是我第一次发生在我身上,但我很幸运 - 我发现安装了绝缘材料后的轮辋上有些凝结。我立即获得了一个湿度计,发现RH不在图表上。然后,我得到了几个大杜的大dehu,把房子弄干了。我一直把它们一直放在室内绘画的尽头。现在我知道了。

    Final note, I think you should get a blower door test and analyze your mechanical ventilation needs for the long term. You may have a tight house that needs active management of interior air quality. If this is your first tight house, it will be a new experience for a while.

  14. ParkerWeihe||#14

    Hey James not sure if you will get a notification or not but hoping you might.


    Very concerned as I dont think I'm going to get the walls dried out any time soon.. Temps out side are going to stay very cold for the next week. Under the impression that if I just keep things under control from here on out, and keep all 3 things going that the moisture will eventually get out.




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