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Spray Foam Odor Help

Joe K|发布了General Questions


Can anyone tell me where in the lower part of NY (Hudson Valley) I can find someone to do an air quality test for me. I dont want to sheet rock the house up with the odors still there if they are in fact harmful.



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  1. GBA Editor

    I don't recommend an air quality test yet. One thing that could be done is an investigation of the cured foam to see if there are voids, gummy areas, or anomalies that indicate an off-ratio mix. Otherwise, I recommend "watchful waiting."

    In case you haven't read it yet, here is a link to an article that might interest you:Spray Foam Jobs With Lingering Odor Problems.

  2. Don J.||#2

    Hate to be direct but Joe you are pretty much screwed... most likely
    been there, done that, learned my lesson...
    yes, and you'll likely face a mountain of denial from all parties involved
    See my previous posts.....

  3. John Brooks||#3

    (and I apologize to you for going "off-topic")

    Joe K wrote:
    “好的 - 所以我开始撕下一些臭泡沫的开放式电池泡沫,意识到泡沫人与应该在开放电池下方的闭孔中完全撕下我。有2英寸的闭孔....如果有3/4,我很幸运。


    I'm supposed to have R-38 in the roof decking. I'm lucky if I have R-24 or R-30 in some areas."

    David Meiland's advice:

    A question that still remains....

  4. GBA Editor

    If you have written documentation that describes the work you expected (2 inches of closed-cell spray foam), and if the contractor installed less than you specified, then the contractor has to do what it takes to fix the problem. Most contractors, when confronted by a homeowner who can document the fact that the work was not performed as specified, will do their best to resolve the problem.

    However, a minority of contractors refuse to resolve cases like this. If that happens, you could consider going to small claims court or hiring a lawyer.

  5. 理查德贝伯勒||#5

    From Green to Homeless: One Man’s Battles with SPF Insulation

    Jim Vallette 2013年6月20日2评论

    理查德贝伯勒of East Lyme, Connecticut, provides a great example of how one person can change the building industry (with a little help from the Pharos Project).

    After a bad spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation installation sickened him and his family, Mr. Beyer researched these products on Pharos.
    - 更多信息请访问: ketserts& rutm_campaign=7ae6048c13-rss_mail_campaign& tutm_medium=email& utm_term=0_20455509_308757549#sthash.os5ycbx1。DPUF.

  6. 理查德贝伯勒||#6

    I hope your contractor has "Contractor Pollution Liability Insurance? Your first step is to verify the contractors insurance policy and the second is to make the claim. There are no published remediation standards for off-ratio spray polyurethane foam by any industry, government office or national building codes. We are the guinea pigs of industry for the 21 century. Your homeowners policy does not cover smelly foam so do not try to get them to make it right. It will not happen. The exclusion is "Gas and Workmanship".

  7. Mary Sally||#7


    Sorry, but your bad experience with Spray Foam SPF has happened to tens of thousands of building occupants and owners. I was seriously and permanently injured by the fumes at the school were I was teaching.





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