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杰米B.|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


Then I found this article by Big JL stating that the air cavity method (without radiant) makes for warmer floors.




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  1. 内森豆||#1


    传热板依靠传导带warmth to the floor, while suspended tubes rely on convection and radiation through the air space. This is less efficient at transferring heat, and will require hotter supply water - in the neighborhood of 160 to 200 degrees F.

    Both staple-up and suspended tubes traditionally use an air gap (with insulation and a radiant barrier installed below), so the discussion from the building science paper you mention applies to both.

    You also need to support the tubing every 24 to 30 inches, which involves additional labor and material costs.

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  2. 卡尔森||#2


  3. Richard McGrath||#3


    Higher temp water will lower your boiler efficiencies also . The colder the return water , the higher your efficiencies go . Insulation below should be a minimum of R19 and should be installed tight to the bottom of the sub floor .

    If cost is an issue and high temps and efficiencies lower than 90% do not bother you , you should probably consider economical radiant ceiling design which uses higher temp ( 169*) and a very small portion of the ceiling as the emitter , that portion is on the perimeter and is about 10 - 20 % of the available ceiling , also done with extruded aluminum plates fastened to the bottom of beams or rafters and 1" strapping or 3/4" running parallel with the plates and tubes , R 13 would be sufficient above . If you chose to go with 60 - 70% of the ceiling it would be less expense than floors , lower water temps that are reasonably conducive to very good boiler efficiency and floors , walls would stay within 1-2 * of room setpoint temp .

    Ceilings are actually more comfortable than floors . Not new technology , on the contrary , just a lost art that served many well for decades . until the available labor pool no longer knew how it worked . Don't ask if heat rises , what do we think the odds are that the top of the sun is always facing Earth or maybe it turns over in the winter twice a day .

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