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Johanna Carr|发布GBA Pro帮助

My usual stucco guy has some major issues with mesh rainscreen products like Home Slicker and the like. (I haven’t known enough until recently to insist on using one.) He’s always done two layers of felt, staple up lathe, three coats of stucco, and paint.



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  1. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1


    Traditional stucco installations just have too high a failure rate to use them today.//
    I'm sure your stucco guy is a great craftsman, but that doesn't in any way change how the stucco will affect the wall behind. lf he is uncomfortable with mesh rain-screen backing it may be because he isn't using a paper backed lath which would avoid the mesh "pooch(ing) into the diamonds".

    Here are three options you may consider:

    - The gold standard of stucco walls would be one which has a rain-screen cavity formed by vertical strapping, a substrate of cement-board or DensGlass, lathe, and stucco.
    - 纸衬板可以直接固定在没有衬底的情况下,然后施加灰泥。
    - A mesh rain-screen used in conjunction with paper-backed lath.

    It would be interesting to hear other posters and your stucco guy's opinions of these assemblies.

  2. user-7490145||#2


    What it sounds like your stucco contractor is basically complaining about is that the mesh rainscreen is making it hard to install the lath normally. You need an extra deep furred lath so that the lath extends beyond the mesh. One possible thing that might help would be to put a layer of Grade D building paper (or cement board, which is more common in commercial) over the mesh, then put the lath on (again making sure it is furred out past the paper, you want the lath to be more in the middle of the scratch coat, not behind it). Something like structawire structalath may work well, it could make it easier. You can put together a sample with your proposed materials to make sure they are working together properly.

    If you are looking for an alternative to the mesh, you could look into delta-dry & lath or Delta-Dry Stucco & stone. It is a dimple mat rain screen with built in lath. It is probably the simplest solution to your problem.

  3. Johanna Carr||#3

    雨屏产品的好处是减少了人工成本。毛茸茸的和施加第二层的护套将非常密集,当我运行数字时,更昂贵。已经讨论过商业/更深的车床,并增加了灰泥成本很多。当然,我的家伙讨厌纸的车床。你们都如何看待像灰泥的MTI重力腔?我提出了这一点,现在Dorken Dry&车床。迫不及待想听听他对这两个的看法。我在北卡罗来纳州的阿什维尔,那里的人们不花太多变化...

    1. Expert Member
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#4


      I can't be off much help. Both stucco and EIFS virtually disappeared here in the PNW once rain-screens came in about a decade ago.

    2. user-7490145||#5



      Personally I've looked at using rainscreen products many times before but I've always decided against it due to cost. Then again I build in the desert and it's really not necessary.


  4. Johanna Carr||#6

    In case anyone is interested in our solution… We opted to go with MTI’s gravity cavity product. This wasn’t without issue. The house has board sheathing, so we needed an advanced WRB. Unfortunately, we had already applied one that was not compatible with a million staple holes though our salesman originally claimed it was. Thank goodness we tested our assembly. We switched to a self-adhered membrane that seals around small penetrations, installed the MTI and got a new stucco guy.

    1. Expert Member
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#7


      Thanks for c0ming back. It's always interesting to hear how things turned out - and it sounds like they turned out well.

  5. Jason King||#8

    I thought I read that the 2018 IBC requires ventilation behind things like stucco. If it does say that (I don't know for sure), does the typical two layers of felt count (it seems like it shouldn't but I don't know)? My thinking even if it's not what's enforced in your region, the fact that it's there (again assuming I read it correctly) could be a data point for arguing for it.

    I'll be in a similar situation in probably 6 months or so (in zone 2), so I'll also be interested in hearing the results. I've been trying to be as informed as I can be (hopefully so I can ask the right/good questions).

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