超级绝缘热水器 - 数学验证

20 inches diameter
2 inches of foam valued at R-16
My water temp is set for 120, ambient temps in the basement are 54F, though the floor can be cooler than this (48-52F). I used the conductive heat loss equations shown here (http://leaningpinesoftware.com/hwpipes/hot_water_heater_tank_insul.shtml.) to calculate a loss of 264 kwh/year in standby losses (~$29/year at local electric rates).
The heater blankets (2 foil faces with a thin layer of fiberglass) typically found at the box stores retails for about $25. For $22 I purchased 49sqft of R-19 which was enough to wrap the tank and then some. I re-ran the numbers and came up with a loss of ~$13.3/year which seemed low (since I wasn’t able to cover the bottom of the tank. The adjusted math factoring in the uncovered bottom of the tank adjusts the losses to $14.7.
2)计算ROI时,我是否必须要考虑到牛皮纸的外表面?(e.g. The original tank un-modified is 20 inches in diameter, adding 6 inches of fiberglass adds an additional 12 inches to the diameter, doing so would mean the surface area goes from 24.98 sqft to 44.15 sqft which would make the modification a bust).
Side Note:
A collection of one thousand construction details organized by climate and house part

Fun with math... another way to play with your math. If you worked for pay the amount of time you have put into postulating...
If you started to wash your hands always in cold water, rinse dishes in cold. laundry in cold... the savings would eclipse your blanket wraps...
And as to your insulation... just get at it and start saving... more time spent say widdling wooden art sculptors to sell for a source of green just like insulating the tank...
I made a stand from PT wood that puts 7 inches of Roxul under most of the water heater. I'm surrounding the water heater with another 7 inches of roxul but I need to get around to seismic bracing before I complete that. One particular benefit is that the roxul is so thick and relatively rigid that I can carve out a niche around the TPR valve (normally an uninsulated thermal leak) to safely operate, while still insulating over it.
Heat trap loops on the pipes, and generous pipe insulation close to the heater will also help reduce standby losses. I used big pieces of roxul on the pipes near the WH as well, although I reverted to regular pipe insulation past the heat trap loops.
I can't really help with the math, although I can say I did it at one point and decided it was probably worthwhile in the long run (the roxul cost more than fiberglass, too). It's definitely getting into diminishing returns territory, but it's also a cheap and easy task you can do while saving up for bigger improvements.
Proof is in the pudding. I wrapped my three tanks (domestic 50gal and two 70s for floor heating) in use R30 fiberglass with one side foil and put 4" of EPS underneath. The tanks stay MUCH warmer all day and night now. They certainly did NOT beforehand.
AJ:I was on my lunch break at work while I posted that question so technically I was being paid to postulate =). That aside we already do all of the other things you mentioned, but theres always more to be done to maximize savings.
Chris, have you started to wash hands and laundry with cold? Have you a no water toilet? There is quite a bit you can do along with insulating your water system. Try out some habit changes that can really cut down on water and energy and time and materials and maintenance.
Doing less and you will be doing more...