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Thermofoil – any info?

Bettina Hoar| Posted inGreen Products and Materialson

I keep running across Thermofoil cabinets that are touted as “green” because of their durability yet it’s made of vinyl and glued onto (not necessarily NAUF nor FSC certified) MDF. Do you have any info/opinions?


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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    The Thermofoil layer is just plastic. There is nothing green about it.

  2. Kevin Dickson, MSME||#2

    I've installed many white thermofoil cabinets. After 10 years, they look surprisingly crappy.
    The white tends to yellow a lot. The screws strip out of the MDF.
    Solid wood with a clear varnish is best in the long run. Any damage can be repaired with sanding and recoating, not possible with thermofoil.

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