关于Bensonwood Obpluswall的想法?

I’ve been a big fan of Bensonwood’s ideas and innovations for some time. They recently announced their new wall system, dubbedOBPlusWall. I’d love to hear some of the GBA community’s thoughts on this wall system, with the following considerations:
-Not sure exactly where the air barrier is… the Huber ZIP sheathing? Any knowledge or experience how Huber ZIP performs as an air barrier?
-If ZIP is the air barrier, and all insulation is inside the wall, does this pose a potential danger for condensation during the heating season? I suppose that if the air barrier is tight enough then it shouldn’t be a problem.
- 是否知道I-Stud Wall构造有多么重要的热桥?
-Could a Passivhaus be built with these walls?
Columbus, Ohio

3) Passive Houses have been built with these types of wall systems in Europe and in the U.S., though you'd be hard-pressed to meet the Passive House heating standard in Columbus, OH with the R-values mentioned on the Bensonwood site (R-35 walls / R-38 roof). Check out thehttp://www.e-colab.org(the non-profit affordable housing
The are several variables that must integrate into a complete thermal envelope, with appropriate mechanical support included, to achieve Passivhaus standards. The Passivhaus approach requires a designer(s) to design and model the thermal envelope and mechanical systems in there entirety. There are site specific circumstances the must be factored into the model. Whether a design meets PassivHaus is dependent on building orientation and any shading elements near the building.
R-35在温和的气候中可以足够的R值。该壁系统具有内部护套和外部护套的潜力,可以充当有效的空气屏障。墙壁组件田内的空气屏障是最简单的细节。必须对空气紧密度(和热桥接)进行审查的细节包括墙壁到地板细节以及墙壁到屋顶细节。Passivhaus标准要求建造的组件展示.6 ACH。
I wonder if anyone can comment from field experience on how well examples of pre-fab walls and modular construction have performed for blower door tests. On average do they seem to complicate achieving air-tightness or make it easier?
And a Net plus home is even better than Passive House. And a house not built is even better still.
And stretching the topic just a touch; when will the world catch up to the smarts of China and implement public policy to reduce population? I would think mandatory reduction in births is desired verses World War lll or world resource collapse.
The Bensonwood OB plus wall has been developed to provide the next level of building systems in regards to thermal performance, combined with the effort to produce these building components off site. Our (Bensonwoods’)main goals are optimized structure, improved insulation, airtight enclosure and highest quality levels with tight tolerances.
关于气密性问题,我们已经看到,与Huber拉链系统和欧洲垫片系统相结合的紧密公差是生产大型建筑物外壳(墙壁和屋顶)并快速组装的有效方法。从早期使用SIP到现在,我们已经看到不断提高BlowerDoor值。对我们项目的最新测试显示,如果正确且谨慎地应用,HUBER拉链系统的ACH50等级1. Huber邮政系统可用作可靠的空气行驶器。大约3年前,当我们开始使用ZIP时,我们的空气紧密评分变得更好。
Installation and detailing of windows for a Passivehouse is a matter of how it is done, but not where it is done. Our experience is, that putting windows into the walls in the shop has many advantages and outweighs the concerns someone could come up with. It is a safe way to install and seal the window unit accurately and put it into place with the wall eliminating any challenges of handling these usually very heavy units (triple glazed with some times bulky euro frames) on a job site on pump jacks or aerial lifts.
There is no difference in the final performance of a shop installed window compared with a site installed unit.
Thanks for the response, Hans.
I would like to learn more about the gaskets used to seal wall sections. Could you provide a link to a manufacturer or white paper describing their installation/use?
I have seen more information come out about Bensonwood and I am taking notice. My first uncritical impression when I looked at their website was here is another production builder that may be overstating the quality of their product. I've been impressed by the additional information about their operations that have come out recently on this website.
In my prior post in this thread when I noted a concern with windows installed in the factory I meant that I was assuming that Bensonwood, a production builder, would likely be using a "production" grade window (i.e. a cheaper window to keep costs down) and not a quality window unit that is essential to meet PassivHaus standards. I didn't mean that installing the window at the factory couldn't be executed well (I can see how my earlier post communicated this incorrectly).
Bensonwood (Ted Benson's operation in NH) has been producing high-quality timber frames for a long time, and they were one of the pioneers in foam panel enclosures. I lived for a while in Walpole NH and it seemed that every carpenter there at one time worked for Benson.
Trelleborg is major Swedish manufacturer of EPDM building gaskets:http://www.trelleborg.com/upload/SealingProfiles/Catalogues/Standard%20products_EN_web.pdf
Robert, (#7)
We are not perfect, but we are also not stuck in our past. Your memories of our company might be relatively accurate because we have built many high end homes. That clients want us to work at that level is a tribute to our quality standards and our very talented team. However, we are not wholly defined by those "patron" types of projects. We also build many homes without timberframes and affordability is indeed a major company objective. We've recently completed an 1100 s.f. home for $150K, turnkey; and another at about 2200 s.f. for around $250K. There weren't a lot of timbers in those projects, but our quality standards weren't compromised.
I would argue that the best quality standards come from knowing where to apply more technology and where less is better.