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Adding Kraft-Faced Insulation to Exterior Gable Wall

rcke2| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

switching from a previous question that was apparently too complex – so now i am asking a simplified version :

If I treat a cathedral area with 4.5 in polyiso with a 2 inch air channel above it before the roof deck, then i still have a knee wall that i will have kraft faced R-21 fiberglass batts and then a soffit that will have kraft faced R-30 fiberglass batts. ALL I NEED HELP WITH NOW…is whether of not I can add kraft faced insulation to the exterior gable wall without creating any sort of unintended problems.

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  1. user-6184358||#1
  2. rcke2||#2

    Thank you for the reply - if anyone is still reading this thread, I was given other advice that fiberglass batt up against the exterior isnt really going to help much if i was already closing off the conditioned space at the knee wall and plywood and insulation and sheetrock there in the stud bays and soffit.

    The interesting thought that DID get brought up was that a stucco house and that exterior wall might actually help with attic cooling because it acts as a "thermal flywheel" in that as stucco it has a thermal mass that would absorb attic heat as it build throughout the day.

    Just fyi and a fun thought experiment

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