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理查德Riso| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


I hope you will be upfront with your insights.

Generally Info
20×35 Home 700 square feet.
Zone 4 High Desert 4,900 feet central Arizona.
6 Windows, 2 Doors (of these 3 Windows and 1 Glass Door will be on the South Side Of House.)
WASTO的Windows(Genio高性能Windows U值.17)
All Electric Home.
HVAC- ERV Ultimate Air ER80, Mitsubishi MZ-FH09NA 9,000 BTU 30.5 SEER Ductless Mini Split.
Slab on Grade.
Primary Air Barrier inside wall and ceiling plane.
Energy Heel Trusses. Simple Gable Roof/Blown in Knauf Ecofill above ceiling plane insulation R-45
Design Criteria For The Area We Are Building.
Winter Design Temperature 20 Degrees
Wind Speed 90 MPH

Common Feature For Both Walls.
Knauf Ecofill BIB R-23
475 Intello Plus。气密性,智能蒸气控制和密集的包装加固。

Wall A
Zip R Sheathing, 1 inch thick R value 3.6
1. From my understanding a r value of 3 is a adequate thermal break for zone 4. Is this true?
2. Is there a benefit of adding a liquid applied joint and seam filler where the zip R panels meet? From my understanding there is a 1/8 inch gap of the OSB to the insulated foam. The foam butts up to each other not the OSB aspect of the sheathing.
4.将雨屏放在拉链上,即用于壁板的毛茸茸条。如果我选择使用乙烯基壁板,则不能使用毛茸茸的条。有一种称为Glide Lock壁板吊架安装系统的产品,它将使我可以将乙烯基壁板直接放在护套上。如果我使用乙烯基壁板是他们的薄毯子型雨屏,或者不需要吗?
5. As a newer product that does not have much history is there any concerns that maybe I should be aware of.

What I Like about zip r sheathing
1产品3谢伊功能thing, continues exterior insulation, WRB.
Reduced Labor and ease of installation.
Seems I do not need to make extension bucks for Windows and doors.

Wall B
Option A
2. From everything i have seen best practices is to place a rain screen over the exterior rigid I nsulation then add siding?
This wall assemble seems to require more labor and require more detailing around Windows and doors.

Option B
1. Insulated Back Vinyl Siding. Their are insulated back vinyl sidings that have a r value of three and four. Has anyone had any experience of this insulated siding material over zip sheathing?
This option can reduce labor assemble combing the siding and thermal break insulation in one step.

Is there any other questions I should have asked and didn’t?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1


    答:没有。没有特定的定义or what can be called a "thermal break." It is certainly true that there is no minimum R-value for exterior rigid foam in your climate zone -- for more information on this issue, see计算刚性泡沫护套的最小厚度.

    When it comes to a thermal break, R-3 is better than R-2, but worse than R-4.


    A. No. You should follow the manufacturer's instructions concerning the installation of Zip-R sheathing. The manufacturer requires the use of Zip System tape at the panel seams.


    A. In Zone 4, you aren't likely to have moisture accumulation problems or sheathing rot problems.

    Q. "Placing a rainscreen over the Zip R sheathing, i.e. furring strips for siding: If I choose to use vinyl siding, I cannot use furring strips. There is a product called Glide Lock Siding Hanger Installation System which will allow me to place the vinyl siding directly onto the sheathing."


  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Q. "I understand it is still best to go a minimum of 1 inch of exterior rigid insulation over the sheathing. Is this true?"


    Q. "I believe this deals with the dew point."

    A. In some climate zones, that's true. But in Zone 4, it isn't necessary.

    Q. "From everything i have seen, best practice is to place a rainscreen over the exterior rigid insulation, then add siding?"


    Q. "Insulated Back Vinyl Siding: There are insulated back vinyl sidings that have a R-value of three and four. Has anyone had any experience of this insulated siding material over Zip sheathing?"

    A. I don't recommend the use of insulated vinyl siding, since this type of siding modifies the siding in a way that removes the best feature of the siding: the fact that the bumpy profile of ordinary vinyl siding leaves a ventilated gap between the siding and the housewrap. Insulated vinyl siding has a flat back and no air space -- that's much worse than ordinary vinyl siding from a ventilation and moisture performance perspective.

    Q. "There is a product called GlideLock Siding Hanger Installation System that allows me to attach the vinyl siding 24 inches on center. Has anyone used this system?"

    A. I'm not familiar with it. I'm not sure what advantage it provides.

  3. 理查德Riso||#3


  4. 专家成员
    Dana Dorsett||#5

    With Intello on the interior you already have a class-II vapor retarder under wintertime conditions, mitigating any dew point issues, but that's already only a very small risk in zone 4B even without the Intello.

    An alternative to a 2x6 /R20 wall (IRC 2015 code minimum), at the same wall thickness a 2x4 16/o.c. (25% framing fraction) wall with foam edge strips on the interior side will outperform 2x6 wall with a 20% framing fraction. See this bit o' bloggery:




    The Bonfiglioni wall is 2x4 wall with ~R4 edge strips fattening it out the same wall thickness as a 2x6 framed wall, and would be comparable in performance to (but cheaper than) a 1" ZIP-R 2x6 wall.


  5. 理查德Riso||#6

    The cavity would be probably still be R-23 with Knauf Ecofill

  6. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#7


    A. I've tried to explain this concept in my earlier comments, but I guess it's still unclear: In your climate zone, you don'tneed连续的外部绝缘。但是,连续的外部绝缘层仍然是理想because it improves the thermal performance of your wall.

  7. 理查德Riso||#8

    Thanks Martin
    But I thank you for emphasizing my options.
    This is a great source for builders who want to improve the performance of their homes and is very much appreciated.

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