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andris spulte.| Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon


Will the elevation difference of the open ends affect the reading? Or does that net out, since it’s an open system on both hoses?

Any suggestions on a budget model to buy? Or would an inclined water manometer do the trick?

要么even the iPhone’s built in barometer? (100 Pa is about 27′, and I’ve heard it measures stair climbing, so it might work)



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  1. 专家成员



  2. andris spulte.||#2

    Thanks for chiming in. Sure, it won't be as accurate as a proper blower door test, but should give some actionable data.

    尽管它会开始变得压力!和5月be a smoke stick... Looks like some iPhone barometer apps read down to .01 hPa (10 Pa), so at least it's something... Any suggestions on a real gauge that won't break the bank? None of the $40-$100 ones on Amazon get down to single Pa unit resolution. I'd prefer digital, but maybe a magnehelic with a ±.25"H2O range will be it...

    这是我的推理 - 我在十年前做了一个鼓风机门测试(1610 CFM @ 50Pa,大约90平方英尺的漏洞区域)。如果我催化了600 CFM厨房的排气扇和浴缸,我希望在房子里获得一个明显的压力。我可以打开一个窗户打开(已知尺寸,添加泄漏面积),看看压力差异是什么,并在泄漏时获得粗略的数量级,因为我打开或密封东西......

    By doing zonal pressure diagnostics, it should show (grossly) where the leakage is worst. If I take an attic crawlspace (gable vents on our dormered cape) vs 2nd floor differential pressure reading, it'll show proportionally what the leakage area is (what comes in, must go out) compared to the inside. Same with the basement vs 1st floor. Is most of my leakage open sill plate to the basement? Or top plate / walls to the crawlspace attic? I figured it'll help steer what I need to improve next.

    I was also curious where my neutral pressure plane is, as well as if it makes sense to run the HRV unbalanced against stack effect (I'm thinking exhaust intakes on the first floor and fresh air delivery to the 2nd floor bedrooms).


    1. 专家成员

      I would look at the Magnehelic gauges, which are commonly available on Ebay with inches of water scale (which you can easily convert to other units if needed).




  3. mikemorr||#3

    Larry Janesky does it in this video:

  4. 删除了||#4


  5. 专家成员
    Peter Engle||#6

    You could do this measurement by using outdoor air as a reference though, because it will generally have better mixing and little or no temperature stratification. Measure the basement compared to outside and the upstairs compared to outside. Best would be to use two manometers and take the measurements at the same time.

    1. Jon R||#8

      I agree - there had to be some airflow from basement to upstairs in the video in #3. This airflow restricted by the closed basement door created the pressure difference.

      In a perfectly still/sealed house (no flow) with the basement open to upstairs, it wouldn't measure any upstairs/basement pressure difference - so measure interior to exterior.

  6. Jon R||#7


    I suspect that it's easier and more effective to fill the house with smoke, pressurize it and then look where the most smoke is coming out.




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