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“Venstar Free Cooling”

曼尼·曼努埃尔(Manny Manuel)|Posted in一般的问题on

I saw this in the instructions for a Venstar Thermostat, which is a fresh air intake to provide “free cooling” when the outside temp drops. The main return would close and the fresh air open with only the blower running.






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  1. Eric Habegger||#1

    Manny, I live about 100 miles northwest of you and it gets pretty hot here too. I think it could work very well, but only under certain conditions. I'm assuming, you didn't actually spell it out, that you are using a forced air ducted air conditioning system. I've been thinking and planning to do the same thing as you, but not with a forced air ducting system, but with a whole house fan. It would work on the same principle though and it sounds like I could get that thermostat to turn the WHF fan on and off.

    The basic problem with this setup is that it requires a fairly thermally efficient house to begin with. Very tight and reasonably well insulated. Along with that it would require a house without extreme southern or western window exposures, or shaded if they already exist. The reason this would be required is that for the cool night air to be most effective in cooling your house you would want to have the thermos bottle effect: cool air is brought in at night and minimal infiltration of heat during the day. In this way you could (theoretically) leave the air conditioning off completely during the day, perhaps augmented by ceiling fans. If you think of it the way I've described it the temperature chart in the house would look much like a rectified capacitor filtered power supply. However, if you have an inefficient house then it would become unbearably hot during the day and you would be forced to use the air conditioning. The result would be much less effectiveness of your plan.

  2. 基思·H||#2


    Also, how does this unit seal up in the winter? I know Sacramento isn't especially cold but presumably you don't want something leaking cold air directly into the heating system in the winter.

  3. Eric Habegger||#3

    California isn't humid at night, at least during the summer and shoulder months, except perhaps in marine locations. Definitely not in Sacramento.

  4. 曼尼·曼努埃尔(Manny Manuel)||#4

    嗨,谢谢您的答复。我有两个HVAC单元,可以使我的房子冷却2.5吨和3.5吨,并在热门阁楼上弯曲。萨克拉曼多非常干...通常在房屋内的湿度为34%。今天下雨了,最高为38%:)。夜晚凉爽干燥。在7月,白天可以达到110F,然后在晚上冷却至65/70F,如果我们获得“ Delta Breeze”。所以我家的内部是81F,外面很棒。因此,当我看到这个“免费冷却”的想法时,我立即可能会起作用...但是再过……在过去的几周里,我一直对HVAC着迷,阅读我可以找到的一切,如果有我了解到的一件事是,HVAC完全是违反直觉的……至少与我的直觉:)。似乎就像是“对面”。





  5. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#5


    The equipment that I am familiar with is the NightBreeze unit (see the links in the other Q&A thread), which was developed by engineers at Davis Energy. (Good people.)

    有一些方法可以解决这个问题 - 尤其是如果阻尼器不是高质量或吹风机浪费能源的话 - 我真的不知道Venstar设备。

  6. 曼尼·曼努埃尔(Manny Manuel)||#6

    感谢Martin,在所有搜索之后,我从未遇到过“ Nightbreeze”系统,这正是我想要的。Venstar只是一个恒温器,但它包括新鲜的空气冷却作为说明的一部分,我认为如果已经奇迹般地安装了系统:)。我能够找到有关该系统的论文,令人惊讶的是,这两个测试房屋在萨克拉曼多……再好不过了!早在2003年,凭借分层的电价,它在萨克拉曼多的一个夏季节省了大约400美元...只有一个系统(我有两个系统)。


    Thanks so much for leading me in the right direction!



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