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Wall assembly for Climate Zone 4

Jeff Shuler| Posted inGreen Building Techniqueson



所以我想把这个问题to the expert builders, building scientists or anyone else out there with an opinion. There are definitely some smart people on this forum…much smarter than I am!

此时,我倾向于2×6螺柱(24 oC),岩石腔腔绝缘(R23),邮政护套,1 1/2至2的外部绝缘材料(摇滚羊毛或Polyiso?),毛茸茸的条和毛茸茸的条和覆层。

What about R-Zip System? Is continuous exterior insulation behind the sheathing a good idea?

I am looking f0rward to any and all ideas here. Many thanks!

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  1. GBA编辑
    Brian Pontolilo||#1

    Hi Jeff.

    You are sure to get lots of opinions on this because there's more than one way to build for Climate Zone 4 that can be durable and efficient. Get the details right and many assemblies will work. But there are limiting factors to consider.

    If you are considering the complexity of details in relation to knowledge and skill, that may limit things. For example, installing exterior rigid foam and a rain screen complicates flashing details. Using ZIP R, may make it possible to do a good and efficient job for a builder how has never built a high-performance home with exterior continuous insulation.

    Similarly, if you want to consider environmental issues and embodied carbon, options are also limited. In this case, you'll choose cellulose instead of mineral wool.

    These are just two examples. I suggest you start with the articles on this page:所有关于高性能墙组件

    这是一篇有关与Zip R合作的新文章:Working with ZIP R-sheathing。不,隔热材料不在护套的错误一侧。您只需要了解绝缘位置的含义即可。

  2. Doug McEvers||#2


    1. DCContrarian||#3

      I'm in Zone 4 and my HDD is 3800. So that would give about R20 for walls and R30 for ceilings. Code is 20 for walls and 49 for ceilings.

      I read somewhere (can't remember where) this rule of thumb: Take HDD and divide by 180 for your walls. Double for the ceiling. Take half of walls for basement walls, half of that for below the slab, and half of that for windows. Here's what that gives, code requirement is in parentheses:

      Windows 2.5 (2.85)
      Below slab 5 (NA)
      Below Grade 10 (10 continuous, 13 cavity)
      Walls 20 (20 or 13+5)
      Roof 40 (49)

      The idea is that if you want to go beyond code it gives you a metric for increasing proportionally and not over-insulating.

    2. 专家成员
      达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#4

      > "Heating degree days for your location divided by 180 for wall R-value and and 120 for ceilings. This would equal superinsulation and (PGH) pretty good house. "


      In Table 2, p10 of BA-1005 the middle-of-the road "whole-assembly-R" values from a lifecycle economic perspective would be something like:

      Walls- R25



      裸露地板 - R30

      Windows- U0.30, SHGC <.35

      但是您如何到达那里会产生巨大的不同。一个2x8 24英寸O.C.螺柱墙的墙件组件充满了纤维素的墙壁,中心腔含量约为R27,几英寸的纤维板护套将使整壁R的r变成或超过R25,它将具有负面碳足迹(都是隔离的碳。)


      If blown cellulose isn't an option, using denim batts instead of rock wool is substantially lower-carb than rock wool, and has shares similar beneficial hygric buffering & thermal diffusivity characteristics to cellulose, but is more carbon-neutral rather than nearly carbon-negative, depending on how the accounting is done:,这里的XPS被HFC吹了。)

      牛仔布R30的制造阁楼为8英寸,在2x8螺柱腔中压缩至7.25英寸时,将以R28的形式执行。这只需要〜r3连续绝缘即可达到R25的全壁值,尽管还可以。半英寸或3/4英寸的箔脸面向Polyiso会比(但不像防火)1英寸刚性岩石羊毛更绿。每R的高密度刚性岩羊毛使其每R Polyiso更高(大约是HFO吹出聚氨酯每R的一半)。

      2x6/r23 + 1.5“ polyiso方法几乎是在本文档中分析的情况2A和案例2b之间的差异,其中中心腔R稍高(有关比较的全壁r r性能,请参见表3):

      The hygrothermal analysis of case 2a/2b starts on page 31 (p.35 in PDF pagination.)

      如果交叉框架为2x4而不是2x3,则情况3也将仅使用纤维素(或牛仔布浆),使用相同的2x6 Studwall。

  3. Doug McEvers||#5

    正如我所考虑的那样,我的建议更像是一种寒冷的气候食谱。它是在哈罗德·奥尔(Harold Orr)的第二届年度被动式房屋会议上设计的。有趣的是看到向南远的区域的R-49天花板,我想热饱和度和AC是一个很大的因素。



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