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natefrappier|发布General Questions

我正在尝试帮助家庭成员。她在一个楼层牧场上增加了2层的添加,她将其变成了儿子的一室公寓。加法的管道穿过阁楼空间,用于原始的单层牧场,进入了添加的二楼。阁楼空间以前从未隔热,她想隔离阁楼以防止热量损失。她的主要热源是热水底板和木炉。显然,如果我要隔离阁楼,冬季,管道将处于冰冻(北部CT)的高风险。因此,我的想法是在管道中创建一个条件空间的盒子,并围绕它隔离。该盒子用3/4plywood构建,并用R6护套粘在盒子的内部。它还有三个4“ x8”的通风孔穿过天花板,使空气流入该盒子。其余的阁楼用R42玻璃纤维棒隔热。 Do you believe that this will be sufficient for allowing heat to enter that conditioned space around the pipes and prevent freezing while also preventing heat loss through the rest of the attic. The vents are located at each end of the piping and one near the middle. They are hidden for the most part (two are in closets and one is above the kitchen cabinets). The middle one in the closet is only 8 ft or so from her wood stove. Not looking for advise on building code or anything else like that as she never permitted any of the work in her house or additions that for put on Which wasn’t smart but it is what it is at this point. Just looking for some advise as to whether anyone has ever done something similar or looking for reassurance that this would do the job. Please see attached pictures for before and after. Will update pictures after it’s completed.

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  1. Expert Member

    You want the bottom of the box to go down to the ceiling bellow without any insulation between the ceiling the pipes inside. Air seal as well as possible between the two.

    The whole thing than gets covered by insulation on top to keep the pipes nice and cozy. It also wouldn't hurt to wrap the water feeds with pipe insulation just in case. Heat rope might also be a good idea in case the house is unoccupied for longer period.


  2. natefrappier||#2

    Hard to tell from those two pictures but the box is for it is built as you are saying. I framed out in between the ceiling joists and sealed the inside with foam. Then built the box on top of that which has added insulation and the seams are sealed and glued. So it is completely sealed from the attic space to the drywall ceiling below it. The only airflow allowed is through the vents I put in the ceiling below.

    Also the house is a permanent residence year round and won’t be unoccupied for any length of time.

    You are correct that they shouldn’t have run plumbing through the attic but for what she wanted it was unavoidable. The whole house is a contractors nightmare. Tons of diy additions none of which are to code or done correctly. I’m just trying to do my best to solve the problem of freezing pipes and heat loss even though the correct thing would have been to run the pipes under the floor or through an interior wall.

    I already told her she be better off letting the house burn and rebuilding after bc of how much money it would cost to correct everything that been done incorrectly at one time or another.

    1. Expert Member

      People go away on vacation, water pipes like that freeze all the time. At least with pex it won't flood the house. I would still add the heat rope just in case.

      The cold water pipe must be insulated otherwise it will sweat in the summer time and damage the ceiling.

  3. Expert Member

    I would try to get the insulation on that box up to more than R6 unless it will be covered with the R49 batts (I'd reconsider your choice of batts here too, blown insulation will do a better job and typically also is easier to install unless you have a specific reason why you have to use batts). You don't want any insulation between the pipe box and the interior of the house, either.




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