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Jack Woolfe|发布了能源效率和耐用性

I’m wondering how to determine if a water-source heat pump (for space heating in an 8,000 DD climate) makes sense? Specifically, would it be more cost-effective to extract heat from the water of a stream 500 feet away and 50 feet lower in elevation compared to a mini-split air heat pump?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    1. Check your local environmental regulations; there may be a law against pumping stream water to your house and returning the water to the stream at a different temperature. Heat pumps lower the water temperature in winter and raise it in the summer.

    2. Considering the cost of the equipment and the excavation required to dig a trench that is 500 feet long, as well as the pumping energy required to move the water, my guess is that your proposal will cost much more than a ductless minisplit air-source heat pump. The Mitsubishi HyperHeat works down to about -17 degrees F; if it is much colder than that for long periods of time where you live, you might need electric-resistance backup.

  2. Jack Woolfe||#2

    I thought of digging a shallow well near the stream for the water source, rather than pumping directly from the stream. The well would both filter the water of debris as well as protecting the pipe from damage by floating ice, etc. Hopefully, using a well would not trigger environmental regulations.


    I wondered about the energy costs of pumping the water such a distance. Your comments heightens my concern. I wonder if there is a rough, back of the envelope, way to calculate energy losses from pumping? Would it be more energy cost effective to pipe the waste water back to near its source, and thus use the weight of the waste water to help pull up the fresh water (at the cost of greater intra-pipe resistance and material cost), or would it be better to just dump the waste water out on the ground?

  3. James Morgan||#3


  4. Zac McCormick||#4


  5. Jack Woolfe||#5

    Martin, James and Zac,
    Thanks for your good thoughts. It does look like I should get expert advise. I wouldn't have thought a shallow well, essentially at river level, would freeze up in the winter -- at least as long as I didn't dump the chilled water back into the well. I get my potable water from a spring, which doesn't freeze up in the winter. The antifreeze circuit should like a good idea, to keep the heat pump clean.

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