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What is a building with two roofs called?

Anne Lee| Posted inGeneral Questionson

There is a current trend out there to build a roof that covers the building and the add another roof over the veranda–What is this secondary roof called. From the pictures I have seen it appears to be attached to the walls of the building with supporting posts on the veranda. It does not seem to be attached in any way to the main roof over the building’s interior space. If you build one of these separate roofs can you then go and close them in at a later time?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    Q. "What is this secondary roof called?"

    A. In the U.S., it's usually called a porch roof. But you can probably call it whatever you want.

  2. Anne Lee||#2

    Thank you Martin:

    I will try to find a picture--it is the style of building whereby the roof of the porch hangs under the roof of the building.

  3. Nick Welch||#3

    Free-standing [porch roof, patio roof, or portico].

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