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Timothy Oldfield|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

我们的一个故事2,000平方英尺的现代房屋是在1950年在波士顿地区建造的,其周到的平面图伸展了东西方,有很多玻璃面向南部,少量面对其他方向。我们计划添加一个研究,半浴室,放映门廊,并从地下室里拿起洗衣店,以便我们可以更轻松地“衰老”二十年。几年前,我们用白色的TPO膜在图片屋顶护套上取代了焦油和砾石屋顶。尽管有优质的风暴窗,但原始的希望型钢制窗口窗口仍在继续生长霉菌,并且大部分曲柄都破裂了。我计划用玻璃纤维窗户替换它们,如果可能的话,三重窗格。南部,西和北侧的2×4螺柱墙壁支撑一个2×10“大教堂天花板”屋顶的单脚。这些墙壁上有1x8套,并用1×4 T&G FIR垂直壁板覆盖。东墙是由裸露的8英寸CMU建造的。所有这些都放在10英寸的CIP粉底上,而无需绝缘。地下室已经干燥了我们住在这里的16年。 There is a three foot tall crawl space under two bedrooms and a bathroom, and the master bedroom, bathroom and family room are SOG. The house was built with reasonable length roof overhangs above the south-facing windows. I plan to fill the rafter bays (unvented roof) with CCIPF, for R60-R65, including the new sheathing above. What I can’t decide is how much R-value and type of insulation to put in the walls and on the foundation. Due to some irregularities and numerous perforations, I plan to seal the rim joists with 3″ CCIPF. One source thinks it is possible to very carefully fill the 2×4 walls with CCIPF for R23. If the GWB and sheathing aren’t then blown out, should I then add 3″ PIC to the exterior to get to R42, or instead should I do the two layers of 2″ PIC outside dense-pack cellulose or OCIPF for R40? If the triple pane windows are just too expensive, should I similarly scale back the walls to R26-R30? After adding board insulation outside the sheathing, I plan to install vertical siding to maintain the original design of the house. What are people’s experience with fiber cement siding vertically? What would be the best air barrier/drainage plane to use? I can’t use vertical strapping under vertical siding, so I am considering using Home Slicker instead. I am concerned that this will be squishy to nail through the PIC, so I assume a layer of 3/4″ plywood would be needed outboard of PIC sheathing. Are there better solutions to vent vertical siding? On the CMU wall, I’m thinking of using EIFS, but should I pour Perlite in the voids and add insulation on the interior side? If so, how much? Do I need a vapor barrier there? Thanks in advance for your insights.

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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1


    Q。"If the gypsum wallboard and sheathing aren't then blown out, should I then add 3 inches of polyisocyanurate to the exterior to get to R-42, or instead should I do the two layers of 2-inch polyisocyanurate outside dense-packed cellulose or open-cell spray polyurethane foam for R-40?"

    A. You are listing lots of options. Most of these options will result in a high-performance wall, but the cost will be high. My own preference would be for dense-packed cellulose between the studs, and either 2 inches or 4 inches of polyisocyanurate on the exterior side of the wall sheathing.

    Q。“如果太expens triple-pane窗口ive, should I similarly scale back the walls to R-26 to R-30?"

    A. Obviously, we can't determine your budget or your specifications. Perhaps you are asking, "Which measures will be the most cost-effective"? If that is what you want to know, you should hire an energy consultant (I suggest Paul Eldrenkamp and Mike Duclos) to run some energy modeling software and to make construction cost estimates. The software and cost estimates will help you make these decisions.

    In general, R-40 walls and triple-glazed replacement windows aren't cost-effective in Massachusetts for a retrofit project. That doesn't mean that they don't work.


    A. I would suggest that you either (a) install horizontal furring strips over the rigid foam, and stop worrying about drainage (you can trust evaporation to work), or (b) install vertical furring strips followed by horizontal strapping.

    Q。"I am concerned that this will be squishy to nail through the polyisocyanurate, so I assume a layer of 3/4-inch plywood would be needed outboard of polyisocyanurate."


    Q。"On the CMU wall, I'm thinking of using EIFS, but should I pour Perlite in the voids and add insulation on the interior side?"

    A. No. With EIFS, all of the insulation is installed on the exterior side of the concrete block wall. Perlite in the voids won't do much.


    A. On an EIFS wall, the rigid foam is an adequate vapor retarder.



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