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What type of sealant?

Tim R| Posted inGeneral Questionson

I am retrofitting a window into a 1985 wood framed stucco house in Southern California. It has something like a grade D paper behind the stucco. I am using 15# felt to repair the damaged paper around the window opening. The window will be set on to the 15# felt. The flashed with a peek & stick flashing. So I need a tube type sealant that will stick 15# felt to a Anderson 100 FIBREX window frame.
What type of sealant should I use to set the window to the 15# felt?

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  1. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#1

    I assume that you are intending to use this sealant to provide air sealing?

    When it comes to water management, you don't want to depend on sealant. The first step is to flash the rough opening so that any water that makes it to the rough opening will be directed to the exterior. This requires sill pan flashing that is either sloped to the exterior or equipped with an interior dam.

    If your rough opening is properly flashed, then caulk or sealant isn't needed except to limit air infiltration.

    For more information, see this video series:Window Sills That Won’t Rot.

  2. Tim R||#2

    The sealant would go on 3 sides, on the back of the nailing flange before I set it into the opening and nail it in place forever. . The rough opening is flashed. What is the correct gooey stuff will stick to #15 felt and window frame?

  3. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#3

    In your location, the water resistant barrier under stucco is likely to be Grade D building paper. A compatible sealant is usually a quality silicone. But it is still a good idea to install rigid flashing at the top, followed by a high quality tape over the top and side flanges.

    To be on the safe side, you might want to call Andersen technical support to review your installation strategy.

  4. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#4
  5. Tim R||#5

    Cool, Big stretch it is

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