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Woodshop super-ventilation: Any reason to air seal / insulate?


Based on Bill Pentz’s research, the best way to avoid fine dust-related health problems is to ventilate all sanding/cutting tools to the outside with ~ 1000 CFM of air, which is enough flow to fully change the shop air every 7 minutes.
Recirculating air filters don’t cut it for fine dust — it has to vent outside.


1)担心空气密封墙envelope? (There will be an open garage door or intake fan providing makeup air.)


It seems to me that the constant airflow would effectively keep the internal shop conditions the same as the outside (sans rain).
至于冬季的舒适性,我最好的选择似乎是辐射热盘,因为加热1000 cfm的化妆空气将是巨大的废物。

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  1. Charlie Sullivan||#1

    绝缘和空气密封将主要是因为没有人会积极打磨和切割 - 无论是在执行其他任务时,还是没有人在商店里。您可能会认为当没有人存在时,您不会打扰供暖,因此不需要绝缘,但是如果您整天都在辐射热量,那么商店中的热量也会被它加热空气不多,当您关闭气流和加热器时,当木材中的某些热量和设备进入空气时,气温实际上会升高。因此,您将保留一些热量,并防止过夜温度下降到外部的内部。


    A large HRV on your exhaust air would pre-heat the makeup air nicely, but would be prone to clogging. It would need the large-particle dust removed before the heat exchanger, but it would probably still slowly get coated with fine dust and lose heat exchange efficiency and air flow. So you'd want one that could be vacuumed out and/or washed out easily.

  2. 斯蒂芬·希希(Stephen Sheehy)||#2

    Air sealing is pretty easy. I'd do, just so if you ever decide on another use for the space, you won't have to retrofit.

  3. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#3


  4. 凯文·莱纳格(Kevin Lynagh)||#4

    Charlie: It'd be a semi-pro shop used daily by one person. I have no idea if there are 1000 CFM HRVs and how much they cost --- it seems like most homes need on the order of ~200 CFM for ventilation.


    As for rust, is that from condensation due to large air temperature swings in the unconditioned space?

  5. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#5

    Kevin, It's pretty minor and no different than storing your tools in an unheated shed. Most tools are completely unaffected, and it must be common enough that Delta recommends a surface treatment for all their table saws.

  6. Charlie Sullivan||#6

    1000+ CFM HRVs do exist, for commercial applications. For example,

    or, a more efficient one with an ECM motor, slightly larger


    Just for background, you can find commercial HRV systems up to at least 4000 CFM, but really big commercial systems are usually ERV, and go up to at least 300,000 CFM! But they use desiccant wheels and might recirculate some of the dust.

  7. 凯文·莱纳格(Kevin Lynagh)||#7



  8. Charlie Sullivan||#8



    Smart controls on ventilation can help, by bring in outside air when the absolute outdoor humidity is low and avoiding it when the outdoor absolute humidity is high. There are a few commercial systems that offer that capability.

  9. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#9

    Charlie, I don't really understand what mechanisms are at work. For twenty years I have kept my tools in an unheated shed without any any visible corrosion (the table saw and bench tools are at the larger shop I share). The cladding on the north side of my shed periodically shows signs of mold, as do the posts on my porch.
    Perhaps you are right. It is the sudden swings in temp and humidity that cause the rust - which are different conditions than those creating favourable climate for mold growth.

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