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A Friend of Boulder Green Building Guild is A Friend of Ours


Because of a special affiliate relationship with, members of theBoulder Green Builder Guildare entitled to a 33% discount off the price of a GBAPro membership.

The standard price for a GBA Pro membership is $149.95.You pay only $99.95.

This special offer puts all of at your finger tips.

  • Compete Access. A GBA Pro membership gives you complete access to, the online depth resource for builders, remodelers, architects and homeowners interested in building and remodeling high-quality, healthy, energy-efficient homes.
  • Wealth of Information. contains a wealth of green building information: over 1000 downloadable construction details, a green building encyclopedia full of how-to and why information, product listings and reviews, helpful building strategies, green home case studies, the latest news, a community of construction experts, opinions from our advisory staff and a content management tool to save items to your personal account. Access to all this is available to GBA Pro members.
  • Risk Free Membership. It’s easy to join. Just follow the link below. Plus, the first 10 days of your membership are risk free. Your credit card will not be charged until after the 10-day trial period has expired. How simple is that!

Join now and get started on your next green building project.


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