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能源大师马克·罗森鲍姆(Marc Rosenbaum)从他在玛莎葡萄园的新家中写博客,写了关于深度能量改造,Passivhaus标准的文章,并减少了他的碳足迹

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工作正在进行中:能源顾问马克·罗森鲍姆(Marc Rosenbaum)已在马萨诸塞州玛莎葡萄园(Martha's Vineyard)的一个同居社区中居住,并在一个新博客中写了他的经历。
Image Credit: Image #1: Marc Rosenbaum
工作正在进行中:能源顾问马克·罗森鲍姆(Marc Rosenbaum)已在马萨诸塞州玛莎葡萄园(Martha's Vineyard)的一个同居社区中居住,并在一个新博客中写了他的经历。
Image Credit: Image #1: Marc Rosenbaum
Marc Rosenbaum in one of his favorite T-shirts. The T-shirt reads, "Talk Nerdy to Me."
Image Credit: Image #2: Martin Holladay

Marc Rosenbaum is a well-known energy consultant who for 25 years lived in a house he calledNerdwood在新罕布什尔州梅里登。它主要由木头和太阳加热。罗森鲍姆(RosenbaumIsland Cohousing

然后,去年六月,罗森鲍姆(Rosenbaum)离开了新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire),与他的同伴吉尔(Jill)和他们的狗一起搬到了岛上的租来的房屋,并去了南山(South Mountain)工作。此后,他们购买了房屋并定居在16座社区,该社区将自己描述为“正在进行的合作生活中的实验”。

This spring, Rosenbaum also started a blog called在低碳上蓬勃发展这谈到了他在新家中的经历。

“As most new homeowners know, every direction you look, you can imagine a way to spend money,” Rosenbaum writes in an early blog entry. “Living as we now do in a maritime location, I can tell you that at least a house is not as bad as a boat, which I learned is an acronym for Bust Out Another Thousand$.”

Still, Rosenbaum is finding plenty to do. The houses in his community were more carefully built than the average house (Rosenbaum, in fact, consulted on the specs), but there were a number of improvements that could be made. Rosenbaum hooked up his trusty blower door, got out his theatrical fog machine and went to work finding and fixing air leaks. And he removed the oil-fired boiler that had been providing hot water and heat and replaced it with a ductless minisplit heat pump. No doubt there’s a lot more to come.


That seems about right. There is some geeky stuff here, but nothing off-putting or overly technical. Instead, it’s a readable mix of technical information and observations of a more personal nature. The tone is open, friendly and informative.


On teaching and lineage

“在佛教中,血统是一系列老师,他们在一个反复出现和不间断的周期中通过佛法从老师到学生 - 学生成为下一个学生的老师……血统是垂直和继承的。相反,社区是横向和发展的。为了继续进行佛教类比,这个词是僧伽。Sangha是一个相互支持的社区,由具有共同愿景和一系列价值观的成员组成。环境/太阳能/节能建筑社区已有30多年了。我已经结识了这个社区的许多最亲密的朋友,并且我从中学到了几乎所有关于工作的知识。”

My carbon footprint

“几年前,大概在阅读了吉姆·默克尔(Jim Merkel)的《根本简约》之后,我通过了其中一个碳计算器进行了工作。我的碳足迹与大多数美国人不同,因为我住在我旨在主要源于可再生能源的房屋中。令人大开眼界的是,每年有四次国内飞机飞行,其中三个在美国东部,一辆是我的碳足迹的一半。总数的40%是开车,尽管这是40 mpg的汽车,但每年开车18-20,000英里。超过三分之二的工作与工作有关,因此我将其合理化,但实际上我不喜欢开车,因此有双重动机来减少自动里程。”

The problem with payback

“At some point in every workshop or seminar I teach, whether it’s on Zero Net Energy Homes, or Deep Energy Retrofits, or Passive House principles, someone stands up and makes an impassioned speech about how all this is well and good but what’s the payback?…The quickest response I have is, if you predict the future price of energy over the lifespan of these improvements, I’ll tell you the payback. My habit when pushed to actually do some financial analysis is to present it in the form of scenario planning – I’ll often select three rates of energy inflation and do the calcs showing the Net Present Value of the investment in each inflation scenario. The longer you project it out, the more dramatic are the differences. The usual result of this exercise is that those who are the decision makers begin to act from a position of risk avoidance, because the highest inflation rates in fuel costs get scary.”

Why heating with oil had to go





  1. Miki Cook||#1

    Carbon Calculator for Home Construction
    anyone have any experience using the Athena Institute Impact Estimator? I'd like to model alternative construction scenarios to see how much impact each has on reducing the carbon footprint of design elements, material and system choices. Need some help navigating the tool.

  2. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#2

    Response to Miki Cook
    The best place to post your question is on GBA's Q&A page:

    That way you are more likely to get a variety of answers from several GBA readers.




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