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Green Building News

Boulder County’s Modular, Low-Income Housing Experiment

The Paradigm Pilot Project includes an energy efficient single-family home and a duplex that could become models for future housing authority projects

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测试项目。The single-family modular home built by Boulder County Housing Authority as part of its Paradigm Pilot Project, which is analyzing the cost-effectiveness and energy performance of the house.
我mage Credit: Boulder County Housing Authority
测试项目。The single-family modular home built by Boulder County Housing Authority as part of its Paradigm Pilot Project, which is analyzing the cost-effectiveness and energy performance of the house.
我mage Credit: Boulder County Housing Authority
This modular-construction duplex, adjacent to the single-family home, also is part of the Paradigm Pilot Project. 其中一个模块的工厂照片,包括外部框架。 单户住宅中的太阳能和国家研究能源实验室监测设备。

Public housing in Colorado’s Boulder County not only took a green turn in 2009, it took a turn toward energy efficient modular construction.

By late October, in the town of Lafayette, the county’s Housing & Human Services division had unveiled the tangible results of itsParadigm Pilot Project: a modular single-family home and adjacent duplex manufactured by project partner All American Homes and designed to deliver near net-zero-energy performance. As noted in a story recently posted by theDaily Camera, the long-term performance of the buildings and the collaborations and initiatives that brought the project to life could have significant implications for similar county projects in the future.

“This was an experiment to see how well this comes together,” Scott Simkus, developer for the county’s housing department, told theDaily Camera。“这是工厂第一次建立一个接近零的能源项目。”

我n addition to having well-insulated exterior walls and roofs, the Paradigm Pilot homes are sited to take advantage of passive solar gain and are supported by solar power and ground-source heat pump systems whose design allows the systems to be scaled up for larger modular-construction projects.

The county also usedParadigm Pilot as a training vehiclefor unskilled workers and partnered with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, HB&A Architects, Farnsworth Group, Lighthouse Solar, Major Geothermal, and All American Homes on a range of project priorities, from design to construction protocols to performance testing.

One Comment

  1. Anonymous||#1

    expiremant huh?

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