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Green Building News

Hailing the Cash for Appliances Program

Set to begin in October, the stimulus-funded program offers rebates on purchases of Energy Star-rated appliances and other products

Image Credit: Department of Energy

A reminder: October not only is National Kitchen and Bath Month, it is when the Department of Energy’s stimulus-funded Cash for Appliances program is scheduled to kick off.

这项耗资3亿美元的倡议, part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, allows each state that doesn’t already have a similar rebate program to write its own cash-for-appliances rebate rules, submit them for approval to the Department of Energy, and begin issuing rebate checks as early as November.


国家厨房与浴室协会发布新闻稿earlier this month to emphasize that the new rebate program is in addition to a number of U.S. tax credits, up to $1,500 total per home, on the purchase price of energy efficient HVAC equipment, windows, insulation, and other products.

Incentives north of the border

In Canada, meanwhile, the Canada Revenue Agency has introduced a new房屋翻新税收抵免, which applies to eligible renovations made to a homeowner’s primary residence. The program, which expires February 1, 2010, offers a 15% tax credit on home remodeling expenses exceeding $1,000, with a maximum credit of $1,350.

HRTC补充了加拿大现有的Ecoenergy改造房屋grant offered through Natural Resources Canada, the agency charged with ensuring that the country’s natural resources are developed responsibly. The grant provides up to $5,000 to homeowners who make renovations to their homes that reduce energy consumption.

The size of Cash for Appliances rebates will depend on state guidelines and the cost of the Energy Star-rated product. Based on payouts being made by existing state-run rebate programs (about 25 states already have them), theAssociation of Home Appliance Manufacturersestimates that rebates will range from $50 to $200.


  1. Shillpa||#1

    Cash for Clunker appliance
    This can be a big incentive for CI projects to meet prerequisite of 50% Energy star appliances. May be helpful to go on LEED USER, too.

  2. 山姆||#2


  3. Lisa||#3

    What about states with programs in place?
    The article states: "allows each state that doesn’t already have a similar rebate program to write its own cash-for-appliances rebate rules." What does this mean for states that have incentives in place (like Massachusetts, for example)?

  4. GBA Editor
    Richard Defendorf||#4

    Cash for Appliances is designed to give states that don't already have such a program a way to implement one. States that already have similar cash-for-appliance programs of their own will continue to offer them rather than replace them with the DOE program.

    There is no recycling program tied specifically to Cash for Appliances, but the DOE website does include a page of general information about recycling and offers links to websites focused on your state's municipal solid waste program. This DOE general information page on recycling is a good place to start: = 8462&p_sid=osf77ljj&p_lva = 8605

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