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An architect looks for the best way to insulate a flat roof on a contemporary house — at a price his clients can accept

Is a flat roof the problem?An Atlanta architect is looking for the best way to insulate the flat roofs he often includes in his designs for contemporary houses. Although this photo doesn't depict the house in question, it illustrates some of the challenges faced by flat-roofed buildings.
Image Credit: James Morgan

亚特兰大建筑师斯科特·韦斯特(Scott West)设计的大多数房屋都是现代的,它们通常配有平坦的屋顶。构造通常包括12英寸。深i-咖啡师或开放式 - 2×4桁架,上面覆盖了定向链板(OSB)护套。屋顶是没有通风的,并且使用嵌入式罐头灯可能是不可避免的。

The most common options for insulating these roofs, West writesin a postat GreenBuildingAdvisor’s Q&A forum, would include:

  • 在屋顶护套上,在锥形的2倍毛茸茸的条上添加一层OSB,以将屋顶的表面倾斜至排水管,然后在after子之间用R-30玻璃纤维棒隔离。他说:“并不是特别聪明或绿色,并且需要广泛的空气密封,但是与大多数事情一样,最常见的方式最负担得起。”
  • Place 4 in. of XPS rigid insulation on top of the deck and 4 in. of closed-cell foam on the underside of the deck for a total R-value of about 44.
  • Place 4 in. of XPS rigid insulation on top of the decking, 2 in. of closed cell foam under the deck as an air barrier and then add R-30 batts for a total R-value of about 62.
  • Skip the XPS above the deck and use sloped decking as in the first option, then use 2 in. of closed-cell foam and fill out the remaining 10 in. of the roof cavity with dense-packed cellulose for a total R-value of about 47.

Among West’s questions are:

  • What option provides the best R-value for the money?
  • Does the use of closed-cell spray foam under the roof sheathing make it harder to track leaks in the future?


First, lose the can lights

GBA Prime

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  1. Bill Rose||#1

    flat roof

    There's a lot of good material in this post for comment. Let me just mention that the flat roof as a motif certainly predates 1933. Gropius and Le Corbusier in the 20s sought to capture the machine age by using "industrial" style roofs. It became a unifying motif of the International Style at Mies van der Rohe's Weissenhof Exhibit in Stuttgart in 1927. Richard Pommer from Vassar College wrote several good papers on the cultural context of flat roofs. In Weimar Germany the roof style issue became politically charged, as the conservatives, who favored the heimatschutz (fatherland-style with steep pitches) found the Weissenhof examples to belong more in "a suburb of Jerusalem".

  2. 删除d||#2

    “ [删除]”

  3. DrLuc||#3

    In what world is polyiso 'greener' than EPS? (Purely R-value per inch? That's pretty simplistic. Journalists, please verify the claims of your sources!) If EPS bothers you, look at graphite-EPS. From a sustainability perspective, first avoid spray-applied urethane if at all possible (kills any chance at adaptation/reuse), then Control Your Dew-point! (This has to be region-and-climate-specific.) Nothing is less sustainable than a building that has to be torn down because of mold problems. Most hybrid systems (foam board plus blown-in) serve adequately; it's the holes and gaps (e.g. recessed cans, mechanical systems, or just plain poorly-punchlisted construction) that kill you. And it's worth saying that a well detailed flat roof, particularly protected with ballast and/or a green roof assembly, can last longer than a pitched roof, and thus justify its extra cost.

    1. Tyler Keniston||#4





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