Image Credit: Tim Lange
蒂姆·兰格(Tim Lange)正在对他在北达科他州(North Dakota)的1910年房屋进行重大翻新,其中包括新的屋顶,外部喷雾泡沫绝缘材料以及新的门和窗户。他的难题是在阁楼上做什么。
“I think I’ve got a good handle on the exterior insulation process — using window bucks to create an ‘outie’ style window is the current plan,” Lange writes在GBA的问答帖子中。“三楼和阁楼是我需要帮助的地方。”
In the attic, Lange is dealing with three distinct zones: the area behind the kneewalls, the sloped ceiling in the living space, and the flat ceiling in the living space. He assumes the rafters are 2x6s on 2-foot centers. Judging from the photos he provides, none of it appears adequately insulated.
Lange is considering a number of possible approaches. “For the area behind the kneewall,” he writes, “one option would be to remove the fiberglass, add a layer of spray foam against the roof sheathing and finish with dense-packed cellulose to get the desired R-value,” he writes.
“I don’t see a way to effectively insulate the sloped section of the ceiling,” he continues. “There is just not enough room and it can’t be accessed easily. I suppose we could remove this part of the ceiling, fill the cavity with spray foam, then Sheetrock back over the foam. UGH. One suggestion was to dense-pack the area behind the kneewall and in the sloped ceiling area and pile lots of loose-fill in the main attic area. Not code-compliant, I know. But they do it out East.”
他可以将三楼的阁楼挖出来去除所有车床和石膏,然后将护套的下侧喷涂到R-49 - 这是他的建议...
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Project Update
Nice write up Scott; illustrates the complexities of the project and the trade-offs. The gutting of plaster and lathe and insulation is almost done. The roof boards are in very good shape, a few areas show moisture presence likely due to condensation.
For the thermal break on the underside of the rafters of the sloped section - planning to use strips of 1" thick XPS, 1.5" wide. Going to choose an XPS with high compressive strength (60 psi) since drywall will be attached through these strips and don't want the rigid foam to compress. The SPF will lap 1/2" over these 1" thick rigid foam furring strips.
Calculated R for sloped roof assembly: Without any thermal break on rafters, the assembly has 4” of SPF (using R6.5 per inch), the overall R for 16” oc is R20.7. Adding 1” foam furring strips to bottom of rafters and increasing to 5” of SPF increases to R27.8. Increasing to 1.5” furring foam strips: R31.21. The framing is 24" oc, not 16" oc. Will soon have to decide how much headroom to give up in order to get more R.
Interesting idea on the kneewall removal and re-install after thermal break installed. Too much effort.
Great points
Thanks as usual for a good article. We run into this in Maine all the time and I applaud the owner being able to do this right. My post is geared towards other ideas on this issue without removing the interior finish.
I ask because typically, a client cannot afford to remove the interior finish in a 2nd floor cape & we are left trying to insulate as is. This usually means working around batting/loose insulation that is already in the slope that cannot be easily removed and sometimes eliminating all ventilation. Side attics are usually exposed like this one and are more easily upgraded with spray foam and are either vented (preferable) or not. The real trick, and my greatest bane, lies in how to handle those damn finished slopes.
2.) We insulate side attics, but unless we can remove interior finish as the owner did above, we don't insulate finished slopes at all.
3)。我们看着浇注的泡沫like a good idea, but with the potential of old insulation still in the cavitiy, I have concerns of its effectivness.
4.) That's all I've got!
Response to Bo Jespersen
Thanks for sharing the anecdote about the 3 inches of frost on the exterior side of the cellulose-insulated slope. Anecdotes like yours reinforce my opinion that you don't want to use an air-permeable insulation -- even Spider insulation or mineral wool insulation -- in an unvented roof cavity.
How to Insulate the Attic in a 1910 Remodel
Why Insulate an Old Wood Building it will only be a Total Wast of Time & Money.
Best to leave it alone then?
Thanks for the quick response, Martin.
1.) If you cannot strip the finished slope, would you then leave the cavity as is (empty or poorly insulated) rather than take the risk?
3)。Do you see any potentially ill effects of insulating the side attics with spray foam directly to the roof deck but then leaving the finished slopes untouched? I don't see a hazard here, but would love another opinion.
As a point of information, a *good* spray foam contractor might be able to insulate existing closed cavities using closed cell polyurethane foam and an injection method, through holes drilled from the interior. I note "good," because this is a somewhat finicky method--the installer is working "blind," and needs to do things like "timed shots" relative to the dimensions of the cavity in order to avoid underfill problems. Overfilling, of course, runs the risk of breaking or bulging interior or exterior finishes. Also, I believe a slow-rise formula is required; an infrared camera is often used as quality-control tool during installation.
我知道这一点的主要原因是与目前是喷雾泡沫顾问的亨利·芬内尔(Henri Fennell)对话。该网页更多地谈论了该方法。
Injected, poured, blown-in, or foamed-in-place (FIP)
Obviously, existing closed cavity installations will be have R-values limited by the depth of the cavity.
对Bo Jespersen的回应(评论#5)
To give you enough courage to handle your next interaction with a homeowner, we're going to do a role-playing exercise.
Bo [speaking to homeowner]: "In order to insulate this sloped ceiling, we're going to have to remove the drywall so we can install some closed-cell spray polyurethane foam."
Bo: "OK. Here's my card. Give me a call if you change your mind."
Two excellent responses gentlemen and I thank you. I will look into the pourable foam a little more and think HeatSpring is a great resource- perfect timing, Kohta.
I have attached a great BSC report that really hit home for me.
Thanks again and we will keep rockin'!
WAP standards
只是为了增加通风问题,能源部先民herization Assistance Program (WAP) requires adequate ventilation prior to any attic insulation. Granted, most of what we do is loose-fill cellulose (knee walls and slopes are dense packed), but ventilation is key. Using blown fiberglass where you think there’s moisture isn’t a bad idea, e.g., we require it in mobile home floors for the same reason. It’s a little more expensive, but wet cellulose is basically ruined and then promotes mold. But the bigger issue is providing for adequate ventilation; we won’t install unless that’s addressed first.
BTW: I’m all for a Bill Watterson and Gary Larson reunion tour. :)
Good info, Pat
Thanks, Pat, and sounds like we have the same sense of humor:)
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