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How to Save Energy

Mythbusters: Home Energy Efficiency Measures That Actually Save Energy

我是否提到新奥尔良是炎热潮湿的气候?在这里,我的同事和好朋友保罗·鲍比特(Paul Bobbitt)在Big Easy中安装了一个僵硬的浴风扇。
图片来源:Rob Moody,Organic Think Inc

我将在DOE气候化会议上激起,我将回顾迈克尔·布拉斯尼克(Michael Blasnik)所说的能源效率策略。阅读我的第一个Blasnik博客flawed computer models that gauge energy savings.这里的整个想法是,计算机模型是跟踪能源效率措施的好方法,但是确定将在能源使用情况下显着差异的升级不需要计算机。具有正确知识和某些诊断设备的人可以解决问题。

So whatcan对家庭能源账单产生重大影响?记住,正如我所说的my last blog, the more energy a home uses, the bigger the energy savings can be after upgrades. On average there is a 15% linear relationship when comparing energy usage before upgrades to energy savings, so don’t expect 50% savings from typical energy efficiency upgrades in a 1,000-sq.ft. home with $50 per month utility bills.


  • 将绝缘材料增加到未绝缘的墙壁和部分绝缘阁楼中。绝缘工作。想象一下!绝缘uninsulated walls can save on average 0.2 therms per square foot per year. A therm is a unit of heat energy and equal to 100,000 BTUs and the product of burning about 100 cubic feet of natural gas. Therms are what the natural gas companies bill you for. The average cost per therm for natural gas in the US is $1.11. I’ll round that to one dollar for simplicity’s sake. In this case, 0.2 therms per square foot per year would yield a cost savings of around $400 per year for a 2,000-sq.-ft. home. The colder the region, the higher the savings for heating efficiency measures.
    • Blasnik says that adding insulation to uninsulated walls is very cost effective, but energy models underestimate the effects by 50 to 70% because the R-value of the entire wall assembly is underestimated. Continuous sheathing and air film can add R-3.5 to R-5 to a wall, which makes an exponential difference in heat transfer in an uninsulated wall. The critical caveat to this strategy is the next bullet point->
    • AIR SEALING!如果墙壁和阁楼中存在空气浸润,则额定的隔热材料额定值将受到破坏。查看能源之星的热搭桥清单对于寻找能源损失的地方。这可以节省每分钟每100立方英尺(CFM50)的5到8个热量,以减少空气泄漏。这意味着,在CFM50上将房屋的信封拧紧100个单位(通过鼓风机门测试测量)每年节省约5至8美元。越来越立即的房屋,可以节省更多的钱。
      • 有效定位气体泄漏的最佳方法是在鼓风机门中产生压力差。这在非常漏水的房屋中可能非常有效,该房屋测量超过3,000 cfm50的泄漏。这里也有一个关键的警告。如果拧紧房屋并添加了绝缘材料,则可能会有一个滴答滴答的定时炸弹:整个房屋中的水分问题。必须控制室内湿度。空气密封是另一种措施,由于风效应夸大了,能量计算被低估了50%至70%,并且该事实是,用来忽略阁楼和地基中的热量重新获得的特定模型。
      • Additional measures for home envelopes in hot climates.如果冷却设备管道位于热信封上方的阁楼中,则应用于屋顶的辐射屏障每年可以节省10%至20%的冷却负荷。这里的外卖是将炎热的阳光拒之门外。同样,不是火箭科学,而是诸如阴影和窗帘之类的措施可以从10%到30%生效,具体取决于房屋外的阴影。
      • HVAC.在高加热负荷区域中替换效率低下的加热系统是有效的,而替换低效率冷却系统在高冷却负载区域有效。同样,最大的用户将成为最大的储蓄者。为了供暖,在天然气单元中更换的行业基线每年节省1,000至1,600个热量。通过以75%的效率替换一个单位,可节省高达20%的能源,其运行率为92%。计算机模型的预付款比实际的节省低30%,因为旧炉效率为60%至65%,而不是更现实的75%。
        • Air conditioner replacement is only cost effective if the home has a very high cooling load. Most cooling costs are typically below $1,000 per year even in the warmest climates. Sealing ductwork outside insulated and conditioned space could save between 6% and 20% of HVAC costs. An air conditioner tune-up could save 5 to 12% if the contractor knows what he’s doing and accurately measures the charge of the system. For cooling equipment replacement, it makes the most sense to target energy hog systems and very-high-use situations.
        • 热水系统。Fix leaks! Also, high-efficiency washers can save 800 kWh/35 therms per year along with 11,000 gallons of water. (Average cost per kWh in the US is $0.0125.) Again, savings will depend on usage: the more loads of laundry done, the greater the potential savings. Very-low-flow (1.5-1.75 gallons per minute) showerheads can save up to 15 therms per year per shower.
        • 冰箱更换。一个称为A的设备瓦计can measure the energy usage of a fridge. If a fridge is an energy hog, it will be obvious quickly, and replacing bad ones can save 600 to 900 kWh per year for typical older models and up to 2,000kWh per year for the most inefficient ones. Once again, measured energy savings are not accurate, more than likely due to testing issues.
        • Lighting.Replacing incandescents with CFLs can save 15 to 50 kWh per year. These can still be a cost-effective measure even though they save 50% less than projected due to burnout, removal, and greater use by homeowners because the bulb is more efficient. Furthermore, incandescents are like little personal space heaters, adding to the home’s heating ability in the winter. This decrease in heat must be accounted for. Motion detectors for exterior safety lighting can also be a big energy saver.
        • Phantom loads.Unplug unneeded stuff! It doesn’t help cooling to leave an air handler motor running continuously in the summer. In fact, running the fan in your HVAC system all the time in the summer could pick up hot, humid air from holes in ductwork outside the insulated space and deposit that into the conditioned areas of a home. Moving the fan switch on the thermometer to the auto setting can save 3,000 kWh per year. If you really don’t need a secondary fridge or freezer, get rid of it to save 400 to 2,000 kWh per year.

        These analytics from Blasnik and Associates are clearly enlightening and useful to the masses. As an ecologist, paying attention and observing reality makes a lot of sense to me, as does theLARGEBlasnik用作结论的基础的数据集的大小。我听到有人说green blingis not what’s necessary to move this market along; the main weapons in this war for a greener planet are knowledge, ability, caulk guns and cans of foam.

One Comment

  1. Michael Blasnik||#1

    Thanks for covering my talk. I'd just like to clarify something -- almost everywhere that you say "underestimate" you should be saying overestimate and vice-versa. The same thing for lower and higher. The models over-estimate the energy losses associated with uninsulated walls and attics and leaky buildings. Many audit software applications also often underestimate the efficiency of existing heating equipment (which again leads to over-estimated savings). The consistent result is that energy savings are over-estimated for pretty much every energy saving measure and the primary reasons are poor algorithms and poor assumptions.

    Also, the way to deal with IAQ when air sealing homes is to install mechanical ventilation -- perhaps as simple as a better control on an existing bath exhaust fan. I did say that air sealing is not necessarily very cost-effective in tighter homes -- in part because the air leakage reduction will be smaller but also because the need for mechanical ventilation may offset much of the savings. Air sealing is very cost-effective for older leaky homes in cold climates -- mostly in the Northeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic regions.

    One more thing -- the relationship between energy usage and savings from retrofit programs in cold climates is better approximated as about 33% of the usage above 600 therms/year -- not as just a straight 15% savings. In leaky older homes that lack wall insulation, measured retrofit savings of 30%-50% are fairly common. The measured savings from many retrofit programs are strongly related to how often they treat homes that are poorly insulated and leaky.

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