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Green Building News


Building owners, investors, and utilities pledge to support pilot projects that advance energy efficiency, waste diversion, and other net-zero goals



美国绿色建筑委员会洛杉矶分会(USGBC-LA)称该倡议为Net Zero Accelerator。The idea is to pair companies that have shown promise in such areas as energy efficiency, waste diversion, and water conservation with building owners who have already indicated they’d like to participate with pilot studies.



The USGBC-LA said in a news release that it believed the accelerator is the first effort of its kind. Neal Anderson, the accelerator’s director, said in a prepared statement that the effort is aimed at helping the participating technology companies overcome market barriers that would normally impede growth.

安德森的声明说:“这是一个非常引人注目的公司,将各种各样的解决方案推向了我们的共同目标。”“We’re excited to help them overcome market-entry barriers often encountered by new technologies, and pair them with the green building experts and significant pilot sites throughout the Los Angeles region to see results before the new year, and keep the momentum rolling,”


  • Angel City Lumber。Created in 2015, this organization nabs downed trees and turns them into usable lumber before the timber can clog up the city’s waste stream. Angel City Lumber picks up trees from backyards, construction sites, and highway medians then mills and dries it so it can be reused.
  • Blue Box。The company has developed a way to clean dirty coils in HVAC systems with an enzyme that penetrates coils of any depth. Blue Box says the biological fouling of coils is a root cause of reduced equipment life, inefficient heat transfer, and poor indoor air quality.
  • byusion。专为市政当局和回收设施而设计的Byfusion Blocker将塑料废物变成了该公司所谓的“ Byblocks”,可用于建造房屋和其他结构。该公司表示,适合运输容器的设备能够在不进行预选或洗涤的情况下回收和消毒七种塑料。它使用蒸汽和压缩来制造块。
  • DTE材料。This is a manufacturer of hemp concrete, consisting of hemp hurd, water, and a proprietary lime mix. The mix is packed around wood framing and allowed to set up, either on the job site or in advance and delivered as prefabricated panels rated at R-24 in a 12-inch-thick panel, according to the company’s website. One big plus for the California market is high fire resistance.

Making progress in a “risk-adverse” community

USGBC-LAExecutive Director Ben Stapleton said no pilots have started yet. Over the next several months, the goal will be to work with participating companies to come up with a list of well-devised pilot programs that can be shopped to building owners.


The goal was to select companies that already had products ready for market but needed help with getting them adopted on a wider scale. The process should help them tune up their business plans and sales structures for wider success.

“Our goal is to get more green buildings faster,” Stapleton said in a telephone call. “And so to do that, we need to get some building-scale, effective technologies that we can demonstrate and put on a real platform for our region. That can really help us achieve our goals faster.”


Stapleton said costs would probably amount to about $100,000, half of which he has already raised. His long-term goal is to create a revolving loan fund that would help pay for similar pilot programs in the future.

The effort addresses the traditional difficulties of convincing the owners of large buildings to adopt new technologies that enhance efficiency and lower waste. It can be a tough sell, Stapleton said. Building owners are risk adverse, building engineers don’t want to experiment with new ways of doing things, and property owners don’t want to upset their tenants.

That’s why lining up building owners in advance is such a key part of the program.


-Scott Gibson是Green Building Advisor和精美的房屋建筑杂志。


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