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In New Jersey, Weatherization’s Bureaucratic Meltdown




塞拉俱乐部州长杰夫·蒂特尔(Jeff Tittel),塞拉俱乐部(Jeff Tittel)told theStar-Ledger, a Newark-based newspaper that has been following WAP tribulations in New Jersey. “It became a big problem with big money rather than a little problem with little money.”

Complications part of the turf


可以肯定的是,当WAP通过《美国恢复和再投资法》扩展到包括50亿美元的三年预算时,它还包括了新的规定,这些规定使循环的几个州机构都抛弃了:立法者补充说,要求工人被支付为盛行的工资率。但是因为这是许多气候化机构首次不得不处理要求,所以扎根于《戴维斯 - 巴肯法案》这是一项联邦法律,于1931年通过,研究和设定费率的花费比预期的要长。



DCA审计还暴露了弱财务监督和购买不当的情况,Star-Ledger报告指出. New Jersey was allocated a total of $118.8 million for WAP work to be completed over three years. Its goal is to weatherize 13,381 homes during that period. Nationally, the WAP completion rate is 44%.

Robert Wright, manager of policy, programs, and planning at DCA, agreed that the state’s WAP implementation has been disappointing, but told the paper changes are underway. Which is another way of suggesting that there’s nowhere to go but up.

“Right now we have new management in place,” he said. “We’re looking at this as largely a new start.”


  1. 詹姆士||#1

    New jersey Wap budget
    使用上面文章中提供的错误 - 1.188亿件可环境13,380户房屋 - 每户住宅约80万美元...

    I am a contractor working and living in northern New Jersey and I have seen the work that WAP contractors do in homes and apartments. I estimate that the typical job I've seen is about $4000 maximum (leaving aside my criticism of material spec.s and installation methods which makes the final product virtually worthless)

    I am all for the government spending money to make US housing more energy efficient, .

    However if your numbers above are correct something is seriously wrong. Please confirm that the figures are correct

  2. GBA编辑
    Richard Defendorf||#2

    Re NJ's WAP budget

    The $118.8 million figure (covering the three-year duration of the expanded program) is correct. That includes $22.8 million for training and technical assistance, which would leave about $7,200 per home if the state sticks to its 13,400-home retrofit goal.

  3. 詹姆士||#3

    Re NJ's WAP budget
    我的穿帮,我不工作9 figure amounts much... guess you knew that... Anyway, that is comforting and as you write they are subject to fair wage guidelines (which is nearly Union scale) so what I precieve as a $4000 job would easily become $7200. And by the way I think fair wage is Fair (but thats another subject) Thanks, now I don't have to write my congress man on this one.

  4. Anonymous||#4

    WAP Poor Administration




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