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Lanoitan Neerg Gnidliub Dradnats
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It’s big, it’s green, but is it really a good thing?

The new NAHB-ICC National Green Building Standard (NGBS) guidebook hit mailboxes on Friday. I arrived home to this delightful picture in my in-box (see picture at right), along with an equally playful e-mail from my fellow shelter nerd, Bill Beasley.

Bill and I put in many hours reading and typing up comments on the new standard as it evolved. He came with me to the NAHB offices in Washington, D.C., to sit in the peanut gallery as representatives of our local green building community, demanding a credible, comprehensive, and easily understandable standard for builders and designers who are just beginning to move beyond Energy Star to incorporate a full range of green building systems into their work; one that would give positive feedback as they improved their practices to true, high-performance, green building.


When we finally walked out of that cavernous boardroom in the bowels of the NAHB “Death Star” building in D.C., we had stood up to the concrete industry in its attempt to eliminate credits for frost-protected shallow foundations. We also had stared down the steel industry in its aim to get recycled content and durability credits for virtually everything it produces. We had a credible standard coming together and were reduced to bickering about mandating that all fireplaces have gasketed doors and combustion air intakes, and any green-built house should be disqualified if it had a traditional stone fireplace with no gasketed door!



The new NGBS has a lot more mandates than the old NAHB Green Building Program, but none of them are onerous. It does have a very low threshold to entry (222 points), so much so that the Bronze Level is just barely more challenging to reach than Energy Star. This was expected because one of the main goals of this program is to attract existing builders to green building by giving them a high likelihood of success at the bottom of the scale.


If LEED-h is the brick church on the hill, the NGBS is the tent revival down by the river.


And yes, you can still give your client a certified green home with an open stone fireplace.

One Comment

  1. Expert Member

    Still waiting for mine
    Glad you got your copy, I've had one on order, at a special price from NAHB for about a month now, just got word that they will ship it out today. I'm not sure if I'm glad or sad for you that you got to sit through debates about the merits of this or that. On one hand, I might have enjoyed it, but more likely, I would have just gone postal half way through. I did send in several suggestions and comments as the process was winding through - each and every one of them was met with a resounding - NO WAY! Not sure if they don't like me or my ideas, or if they are just ignorant sluts (probably the latter), but I'll get to see how it turned out eventually. I'll keep watching my mailbox.

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