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Green Building News

Recycling An Australian McMansion

A group of Australian environmentalists is appealing for the owner of an unwanted McMansion to donate the house for an innovative demolition and recycling project.
Image Credit: Brendel

The Plan: Tear Down a McMansion And Use the Materials to Build Two Small Homes

澳大利亚悉尼 - 一支由澳大利亚建筑师和艺术家组成的团队宣布了一项计划,以仔细拆除现有的麦克马尼翁,并使用打捞的材料在同一地点建造两座小型节能房屋。团队成员现在正在寻求一个愿意捐赠麦克马什的房主,以帮助环保和表演艺术的双胞胎事业。


The Reincarnated McMansion team envisions creating two small homes with green features. According to the team’s Web site, the plan is to “orientate the new buildings to best engage local climatic conditions to enhance buildings’ and site’s passive thermal performance; to introduce natural ventilation strategies; to introduce passive winter solar gain; to introduce solar hot water and solar power; and to introduce rainwater storage and a grey-water biofiltration system in the form of external garden pools.”

One of the project’s team members is architect Mathieu Gallois. “We’re excited about the reuse of the bricks, tiles, and cement,” said Gallois. “The idea is to crush them into an earthy mix and reuse them for a type of rammed-earth wall.”

Another architect on the team is Tone Wheeler of Sydney. “There are so many houses out there that are just badly built and worn out — big objects with lots of little rooms in them but not much good design,” said Wheeler. “A big house with only two or three people rattling around in it is just not an efficient object or living arrangement. The density of our cities needs to be greatly increased, so we’re anticipating that this project will be a precursor to something that becomes increasingly common in the future.”

In a radio interview, Wheeler was asked whether it wouldn’t be easier to create a duplex by adding another couple of exterior doors and a few more partitions to the McMansion. Explaining the need to start from scratch, Wheeler answered, “Maybe the house of the future will be inside-out, upside-down, and back-to-front. Putting bricks on the outside is really the wrong way around; the bricks should be on the inside for thermal mass. And we should be living upstairs, not downstairs, because the upstairs has more access to sun. And it would be better to put the cars in the back of the house instead of the front. Alternations and additions tend to make these problems worse.”


GBA extends thanks to Jon Vara of Energy Design Update for his reporting on the Reincarnated McMansion story.

One Comment

  1. Expert Member
    Carl Seville||#1

    I love this
    我最近建议我们拆除超大房屋,使用材料在郊区之间的房屋之间建造新房屋。这将有助于提高密度,使一切更加宜居。毫不奇怪,我从建筑行业收到的大多数答复都是负面的。有人建议我从我的房子开始 - 显然他们还没有看到它,因为它准备被拆除了。让我们发布该项目的进度。

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