马特·格罗科夫(Matt Grocoff)和凯利·格罗科夫(Kelly Grocoff)的房子位于密歇根州安娜堡(Ann Arbor),是一座维多利亚风格的民宅,与他们所在社区19世纪的乡土建筑风格十分契合。但格罗夫斯夫妇在2006年买下了这座有110年历史的建筑,不仅仅是因为它的装饰吸引力和它在安娜堡(Ann Arbor)引以为傲的老西区历史街区(Old West Side Historic District)的地位。其中一个真正的卖点,尤其是对马特来说,就是那所房子有点乱。
格罗科夫是GreenovationTV的创始人,也是Old House Web的绿色装修专家,他在OHW的一段关于这所房子的视频中说:“这是一个梦想成真了。”“它有含铅油漆,石棉壁板,零绝缘,甚至在棚子里有一个旧的燃气动力割草机!”
他告诉当地新闻服务AnnArbor.com例如,当他安装地热热泵时,2007年1月的房屋每月公用事业账单为350美元。(小批次有三个150英尺长的钻孔的空间。)地热系统减半,每年大约为2,800美元 - 未来20年的预计56,000美元,如果能源价格保持不变,则为Grocoff Notes。
处理房屋中的窗户需要解决方法,因为该区域中的历史保存规则可以防止房主更换原件。The Folk Victorian’s 15 double-hung windows, before restoration, were almost as leaky closed as open, so Grocoff called in a local window restoration expert, Lorri Sipes, for a tutorial on dismantling and refurbishing the wooden parts, sealing leaks, repairing broken channels, and other steps needed to get the windows in shape. That process cost a few hundred dollars – replacements would have run about $15,000 installed – and a fair amount of labor on Grocoff’s part before the windows were ready for paint. The remaining issue, of course, was further reducing air leakage at each window, but the historic district allows installation of storm windows, so Grocoff ordered them from George W. Trapp Co., based in Redford, Michigan.
Grocoff calculates that getting the house to operate at net zero energy – he calls it his “Mission Zero” – will require a solar power system that he plans to buy from SunPower Corp. of San Jose, California, and have installed on the building’s south-facing roof. He expects to spend about $14,000 on the purchase and installation after tax credits from the federal government and credits from the local utility company, Detroit Edison Energy. The system will have paid for itself, he figures, in about five years.
Grocoff在接受AnnArbor.com的采访时说,他能够赢得安娜堡历史街区委员会(AnnArbor Historic District Commission)对这个想法的批准,这对该地区的许多其他历史建筑来说可能是好事,不仅在能效方面,而且在保存方面。
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