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Suburban Sprawl Costs a Bundle

A new report pegs the cost of sprawl at $1 trillion a year due to increased per capita land use and higher transportation costs

Suburban sprawl is expensive.Development patterns that favor suburban development over compact housing in more urban areas increases expenses in a variety of ways — from reduced farm production to forcing people to drive longer distances.
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Suburban sprawl means less farmland and reduced agricultural productivity, dirtier air and water, and more traffic congestion, a new study says, and it all adds up to increased costs of about $1 trillion a year in the U.S.

研究by The New Climate Economy is an attempt to quantify the economic costs of sprawl (“dispersed, automobile-oriented, urban-fringe development”) while pointing out the benefits of compact, mixed-use building (“smart growth”).



Higher transportation expenses, less mobility




And because suburban development discourages walking, cycling, and public transportation, the authors said, it tends to impose “particularly large burdens on physically, economically and socially disadvantaged people.”


The authors said costs cited in the report reflect conditions in North America, but were transferable to developing countries.

“Although many of these costs are lower in absolute value in developing countries, due to lower wages and property values, they are probably similar relative to incomes and regional economies,” the report says. “As a result, smart growth policies that create more compact communities can provide substantial economic, social and environmental benefits in both developed and developing countries.”


  1. 彼得L.||#1

    I know where this is heading...



  2. GBA Editor

    极端之间有一个中间道路 - 拥有高层公寓或郊区蔓延的拥挤城市。

    许多欧洲城市投入了设施和基础设施,以使城市生活愉快。一些周到的功能使得所有的差异:干净,经济的公共交通;自行车车道 - 真正的自行车道;对车辆交通的限制(包括将某些街道关闭到汽车和卡车);良好的公共设施(学校,公园和游泳池)由广泛的税收支持。

    I know that most Americans will never have the chance to visit Amsterdam, Copenhagen, or Stockholm. But those who get that chance will probably be amazed at how civilized urban life can be -- if only citizens expect it, insist on it, and are willing to make investments that support livable, walkable, bikable cities.

  3. 丹弗曼仑||#3

    I visited Amsterdam and found it to be the most depressing city I have ever been to.

  4. Jud Aley||#4

    You no longer need to go to
    You no longer need to go to Europe to experience this kind of city. Portland Oregon is probably the best example in the USA. Other good examples in North America that Ive visited are Toronto, Quebec, Vancouver, San Francisco and Seattle. Even small city’s like New Haven CT and Buffalo NY are becoming more and more livable and “Walkable”. If you’re interested to know more about this topic a great book is “Walkable City" by Jeff Speck.

  5. Wes Stewart||#5

    I've been to Portland, OR a few times. (My step-daughter used to live there). I noted that the same snowbird bums who sleep on the streets of Tucson in the winter are sleeping on the streets of Portland in the summer.


    For the heck of it, I rode it on opening day when it was filled with feeders at the public trough. It was SRO, The next day, and the day after that and the day after that too..., it was essentially empty.

    所有这些“振兴”市中心。但是the only things vital downtown are government buildings, the courts, the lawyers that populate them and some trendy restaurants. On nights and weekends, the government goes the suburbs.

  6. Nate G||#6


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