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Developers announce plans for 'energy neutral' and 'solar standard' communities in Austin, where the city council wants more renewable energy

Developers have announced plans for two subdivisions in Austin, Texas,with houses that either come with solar panels as a standard feature, or are constructed to zero-energy standards. This one is part of Lennar's Colorado Crossing development.

UPDATED Oct. 8, 2015


Taurus of Texas, a real estate investment firm, said in September that it was starting construction of the first 237 houses at Whisper Valley in East Austin, according toa report at。公司官员表示,这将是第一个大型的单户开发项目,其中所有房屋的设计都与他们每年使用一样多的能源。

Houses还将配备Google Fiber的光纤系统,该光纤系统说,Whisper Valley是新的住房开发中第一次安装非常快速的互联网服务。

Separately, Lennar announced it would build Austin’s first “solar standard community” where each house would have its own rooftop photovoltaic (PV) array. Homeowners could either lease the panels or buy them outright.

The first phase of Lennar’s Colorado Crossing subdivision, underway near the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, will include 120 homes, ranging in size from about 1,200 square feet to 2,800 square feet and costing between $195,000 and $277,000,神秘主义者在另一份报告中说。

Balancing performance and price

Construction details about houses at Whisper Valley weren’t available, but MyStatesman said that the intent was to seek a market niche where houses with low energy demands also would be affordable. Taurus expects to price the houses between $150,000 and $275,000, which is higher than the median market value for the immediate area around the development but about in line with the median market value in the Austin metro area of $267,000.

金牛座的合作伙伴包括Bosch,该公司将提供节能厨房电器,地面源热泵和热水器;Google Nest,将提供其网络连接的恒温器;和Google纤维。

The web report said that Whisper Valley residents will pay a fixed utility fee averaging about $175 per month, which would cover the cost of the rooftop PV, an LED lighting package, the Bosch appliances, ground-source heat pumps, and maintenance costs.





由太阳电池板将安装和维护Street Energy Group, a Lennar subsidiary, whose CEO said that the decision to include solar was not so much about “being green” as about making sound business decisions.



It wasn’t clear how big the arrays are, and GBA was unable to reach anyone in the company who could offer additional information on solar capacities or mechanical systems. However, David Kaiserman, SunStreet Energy’s CEO, told the website that the panels were expected to meet about 60% of each home’s electricity needs. The systems range from 3.18 kW to 5.3 kW in capacity and average 3.45 kW.

According to theColorado Crossing website,在墙壁上,墙壁上的板板隔离为R-15,天花板中的R-22和R-38之间,并带有辐射屏障屋顶甲板,以降低阁楼温度。“技术”功能包括可编程的Wi-Fi恒温器。房屋用燃气炉加热,并用Lennox 16 Seer空调系统冷却。

Lennar is using the IRC’s performance-based method for code compliance. The houses, which are inspected by an independent third party, “consistently” receive HERS scores in the mid-60s, the company said.

The company said that 20 homes have been completed, with a total of 35 sold. A second and possibly third phase, with another 120 houses each, are in the works, but Lennar didn’t have a firm timetable for a complete build-out.

The right opportunity for solar

David Grove, Lennar’s division president for the Austin and San Antonio markets, said by telephone the company had been looking into adding solar for a number of years but until now hadn’t found a way to make it available affordably in the Austin market. SunStreet’s lease option made the difference.

他说:“我认为很明显,房主想要太阳能,他们想要技术。”“If you asked anybody off the street, ‘Would you like solar on your home, and do you understand it makes sense?’ the answer is a resounding, ‘Yes!’ The challenge has been what a homeowner is willing to pay, and that’s always been the prohibiting factor. Now we’ve found a way to provide the solar without the homeowner paying out of pocket at a reasonable, very economical rate.”

Lennar is the country’s second largest builder, with $6.8 billion in housing sales and 21,000 closings in 2014, according toProfessional Builder。The company has roughly 120 solar communities underway in several states, including California, Colorado and Maryland, adding up to “several thousand rooftops” in all.


“Folks historically have looked at solar as something that you’re only going to see on expensive, million-dollar homes because they have the ability to utilize it and it’s cost prohibitive to others,” he continued. “I think as we make this more commonplace and expand the footprint it will become more and more the norm.”

格罗夫预计大多数(如果不是全部的话)买家在科罗拉多Crossing will opt for a solar lease, not an outright purchase. Leasing is by far the most common way homeowners go solar, accounting for as many as 95% of PV installations at Lennar subdivisions, particularly in areas where buyers don’t have a lot of discretionary income, Grove said.

Lennar is technically creating power-purchase agreements with buyers rather than straight leases,The Wall Street Journal注意,因为房主仅支付他们使用的功率而不是系统本身。但是房主为电力支付的费用要比当地公用事业公司所支付的少,因此无论该安排如何,他们都会节省资金。

Austin aims for 55% renewables


In addition to providing 600 metawatts of utility-scale solar, the proposal would have Austin Energy, the municipally owned utility, find 200 MW of local solar, at least half of which would have to be owned by customers.

Energy efficiency and improvements in demand response were to provide another 800 MW of power over the next 10 years.

“It’s clear that to achieve the ambitious goals Austin Energy has set for itself, we must significantly increase the number of rooftops generating power from the sun,” Austin Energy vice president of customer energy solutions Deborah Kimberly told MyStatesman. “Communities like this with solar integrated into the design from day one allow us to make faster progress toward those goals in ways that allow us to plan infrastructure and protect the overall stability of the electric grid.”


  1. Ven Sonata||#1

    In Texas, its easy.
    It doesn't take much to get to net zero in Austin! R-15 walls, how nice it would be. Uninsulated slab, again probably appropriate since they are more cooling oriented than heating. What is interesting is ground source heat pumps. Obviously overkill for heating but they must be economical for cooling. It doesn't say whether it is air distributed cooling or in-floor, I suspect air since the slab in uninsulated. The panel array is likely 5 kw at $15,000 which is supposed to produce 60% of their yearly requirements. They will have to source the rest from grid solar. This is a slightly different definition of net zero since the individual house does not attain it, but the community as a whole does. By the way, 5 kw produces at least 8000 kwh per year in Austin. If that is 60% of total then the total electric demand is 13,500kwh per year. That is living rather large, I must say, though of course it is Texas after all.

  2. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#2

    I'm surprised that it's do-able with R15s, even in Austin!
    The simplicity of the shape helps a lot (the "shoe-box with gable" look), but even then it's tough to hit Net Zero with an R10-ish whole wall, R11-ish if one takes some pages from the Advance Framing book. Which means they have to be counting on true state of the art performance out of the GSHP systems.

    Austin's climate averages about 3000 CCD and 1600 HDD, so the GSHP will have signficant load to deal with if the building isn't sufficiently low-gain. The picture doesn't look like they skimped much on the west facing glass, and there's not much overhang to shade the south facing glass. Let's hope they simulated it adequately.




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