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Modeling Software and Mock-Ups

Two methods for conveying building concepts and details to contractors and clients

Mock-up to understand sequencing of an assembly using Zip products

Missing a detail when working through an unfamiliar assembly is easy to do. Getting your head around air and water movement and the thermal boundary with all of the parts and pieces that are required to build a sound structure often requires more information than can be shown in a simple plan or elevation drawing. I often find myself drawing in 3D using a modeling software. Sometimes I go as far as building a mock-up of the assembly. Other times both are needed.

If you are an architect, you’ll have the software tools to make professional, photo-realistic drawings. I’m not an architect but I have some formal training in drafting, which I received decades ago, when CAD was brand-new and my instructor was a proponent of drawing by hand before moving onto computer-generated drawings. Some of my past designs were done on paper or with an inexpensive CAD program, which can work, but they are not very impressive when trying to sell a client on a design. Since then, I have started using SketchUp for more information-rich, useful, and polished drawings.

Hand-drawn illustration of foundation to wall transition

The above hand drawing is my original design for aconcrete-free slab-on-grade home显示地板系统。后来,在Sketchup的帮助下,设计对此进行了转换:

SketchUp rendering


Drawing of rigid mineral wool as sub-slab insulation
这张图是为了弄清楚如何使用的详细信息rigid mineral wool as sub-slab insulationwith an in-floor heating system.

I have no formal training around using SketchUp—I’ve just watched a few YouTube videos; and I am using the free version. With a little practice, the software can take less time to produce an image than would drawing the same level of detail by hand. The improved drawings work to get my ideas across to both builders and their team members, and they help sell the homeowner on my design ideas.


Mineral wool board for wall and roof



Mock-up of fluid-applied flashing

Building a mock-up of an assembly allows a builder (and me, as the designer) to work with the products and materials that will be used in the actual build. I took this approach the first time I usedZip System sheathing,磁带和流体应用产品。

This not only helped me figure out how to work with the materials (for example如何应用ZIP的液体闪光灯) but also helped in sequencing the assembly. The photo of the completed mock-up (main image) shows an early design for the concrete-free slab-on-grade project. I didn’t like how a few of the products were working together, so I made several changes that improved the finished project. Those changes may not have happened if I hadn’t built the mock-up and learned from the experience.

Window detail and mineral board covered wall
The changes that were made from the original mock-up to the final build.

如果您包括将研究该项目的团队,那么建立模型也会有所帮助。同样,他们可能不熟悉将要使用的不同产品。模型使他们获得了一些经验,就像现场培训研讨会一样。该培训可能包括建筑师或设计师,项目经理或工头,甚至可能包括提供材料的制造商的代表。我认为最好尽可能让制造商提供培训 - 他们的成功取决于您的成功。


兰迪·威廉姆斯(Randy Williams)是位于明尼苏达州大急流城的建筑和能源评估者。照片由作者提供。


  1. Allan C||#1

    Thank you for this Randy. If its not against any terms or use or site rules, can you post links to the youtube videos you found the most helpful?

    1. 兰迪·威廉姆斯||#4

      我看了官方的Sketchup YouTube频道,新的Sketchup?系列。那个系列获得了足够的信息来消除自己的方式。我每年只能创建一些图纸,如果我使用更多图纸,我会花更多的时间在使用该程序上更有效。

  2. James Howison||#2

    Awesome post.

    Perhaps animated gifs of the construction of the mockup would be useful? I'm thinking primarily of the short videos (<1 m) that now often accompany social media posts of recipes, often shot from above a chopping board or pan. Check them out at

    More examples here:

    I think the key to these is they show just the illustrative snippets, tightly edited, and in sequence. You really get the scale of ingredients in ways that text doesn't convey.


    Speaking of that, sharing websites via a QR code is awesome, waaaay easier than texting someone a link or having them type in a URL. Works on Chrome on Android and desktop OS, but not yet easy in Safari on iOS.

    I can see this being much easier to share instructions etc on job sites, especially across languages.

    1. Expert Member
      马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#3

      One thing that needs working out is what role these mock-ups, 3d sketches or gifs would play as part of the contract documents. They may be very useful as explanatory material, but right now I don't think there is any mechanism to get a contractor to follow them.


  3. Robert Opaluch||#5

    为了显示整个房屋或补充的设计/布局,它有助于在三个维度上可视化空间,并能够“步行”该空间。家庭设计师套件$ 99(或免费版本)具有许多内置对象,可以添加到设计中,一旦平面图带有许多逼真的对象,您就可以看到这样的3D模型。各种公司提供其产品库,以添加您的设计(例如Trex,James-Hardie,Corian,Jenn-Air,Delta,Therma-Tru,Sherwin-Williams,Wayfair)。但是,除了昂贵的首席建筑师版本外,它缺乏进入草图图中显示的施工细节的能力。家庭设计师可能会更好地使用新建筑的建筑商,并希望客户能够可视化家庭布局。或者建议客户或DIY建造者获取软件并嘲笑他们梦想中的房屋,增加或翻新。

  4. Expert Member
    Armando Cobo||#6

    Down here in TX, on large projects is common to see mock-ups, however, I think is a waste of time, materials and effort, since our Builders do not install materials to learn “how is done”.
    I usually create a 4’x8’ front yard sign that shows a mock-up, and once is done, the posts and sign can be reuse on the next project. I also use 3D pictures in my Builder and Subs orientation (aka Design Charrette)

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