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Green Building News

With DOE Grant, Colorado’s FortZED Edges Forward

A project that aims to efficiently manage electrical power distribution and expand renewable power sources in Fort Collins, Colorado, gets a $4.8 million stimulus grant

A big demoThe FortZED smart-grid infrastructure project, which targets downtown Fort Collins, Colorado, and the main campus of Colorado State University, is being developed to implement and test innovative ways to manage electrical distribution systems.
图片来源:柯林斯堡0ergy District

While the green building industry strives to construct and retrofit homes that will rely less – or not at all – on the power grid, there are plenty of people out there trying to make the grid itself operate much more efficiently, with less reliance on traditional sources and more reliance on clean and renewable ones.

One such smart-grid project is theFort Collins Zero Energy District, or FortZED, whose goal is to refine the grid infrastructure serving downtown Fort Collins, Colorado, and the adjacent main campus of Colorado State University.

Originally proposed in 2007 by the nonprofit Community Foundation of Colorado’sUniverCity Connectionscommunity coalition, FortZED is now well on its way to becoming a full-fledged demonstration project for grid management in an area that includes both residential and commercial customers.

While the project was one of eight initiatives to receive a portion of a $17 million grant from the Department of Energy last year, the DOEannounced this weekthat FortZED will receive another grant, totaling $4.8 million, as part of the $3.9 billion in stimulus funds the governmentsays it will investin smart-grid technology and electric transmission infrastructure.

Accommodating alternative power sources

Asa recent storyin theColoradoanpoints out, the money will help pay for technology that will control electricity flowing onto the city’s electric grid from alternative sources. At this point, says Steve Catanach, a Fort Collins Light and Power manager, electricity flowing in from private sources disrupts the grid.

The three-year project will demonstrate how this new technology will enable the grid to accommodate many future sources of energy throughout FortZED, Catanach told the paper.

The system serves about 5,000 customers in FortZED, and its peak load is about 45 megawatts,anotherColoradoanstory解释说。不仅会加快的挑战e the grid to accommodate substantial electrical flow from alternative sources, but to generate enough power through those sources to meet peak demand.

“It’s a really big goal to take 45 megawatts of power and make that net zero,” says Gary Schroeder, energy services engineer for Fort Collins Utilities. “It’s probably the biggest initiative of its kind in the country. I think technically it’s feasible. But that’s the challenge.”


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