图片来源:贝丝·威廉姆斯 Green tile siding was everywhere in this city — as well as amazing plumbing vents, drum traps, and water heaters.
图片来源:迈克尔·钱德勒 Vacation reading? Not a novel but a thought-provoking book,驾驶, by Daniel Pink. The author looks into what really motivates us to get out of bed and live well: autonomy, mastery, and community (not reward and punishment).
我们都知道人讨厌自己的工作和计算the days until Friday or retirement. And we know folks who live for expensive hobbies and passions that consume their paychecks, or who count their worth by the size of their compensation package.
When I think about being a builder, I like to look back on the farmer I worked for as a teenager. He was defined by his job, and he really ran a tight ship with a small herd of carefully bred cows that gave his life a rhythm that had nothing to do with 9-to-5. Rather than counting the days to retirement, he was counting the days until his son was mature enough to become a partner and eventually to take over the farm.
When I think about sustainable business, I look back in time for inspiration.
I want to be a builder the way that man was a farmer, or perhaps the way Paul Revere was a silversmith, riding around shouting “peak oil is coming!”
我不会在五点关闭手机。今天,我正在英格兰度假,拍摄管道和电气连接以及令人敬畏的金属和石材细节。下个月,我将在Joe Lstiburek的建筑科学夏令营。
My sister worries that I work too much — but the reality is that my hobby pays my bills.
Passing the lottery test
While getting the designs out and maintaining work flow and my clients’ budgets can be a chore, I find at the end of the year that I’m doing what I love and making a go of it. I do track my hours per week and days spent away from the job. My Builder 20 Club competes to see who can run a well-managed business with the fewest hours per week and the most days away from work.
我真的同意迈克尔·斯特朗(Michael Strong)的建议,即长期让您的工作人员负责业务,以建立他们的领导能力和自力更生,并赋予他们最终接管业务的能力。我也喜欢贝弗利·科恩(Beverly Koehn)的“生活品牌”的概念,您努力在日常生活中体现业务的核心原则。
所以我在这里在心脏和手酒吧下午一点in Brighton, England with pen and paper, a camera full of construction photos, a Dark Star Sunburst Ale in front of me with my twelve-year-old daughter drawing plans for our next project beside me. Nothing wrong with that at all. I say to hell with work-life separation — replace it with work-life integration and inspiration!
Drink plenty of water
If you love the work you do, thank your lucky stars and feed that passion on whatever schedule works for you.
Chase excellence with all you’ve got. But hold family and mental health first — for you as well as for your employees. Take time off for the school recital or vacation trip or just to drive your teenager to the mall with the cell phone and the I-pod turned off. Track your hours and days-off as a self-check so you know actually how crazy or sane you’re treating yourself.
Work safely, too — drink plenty of water and remember there is no nobility in working through the pain of injuries or sickness.
Integrate work and life deliberately and with integrity
这项业务有点像炼金术。我们可能不会将铅变成黄金,但我们确实将棍棒和地球变成了经济和优雅的绩效的美丽房屋 - 而且魔术超过了九到五个。
very cool
So true, and so do I...
哦,真是一个很棒的故事,真是真实。我也知道我想从七岁起就想建造房屋和消防局,以及我有机会有机会这样做的荣幸和祝福。I didn’t realized how good I had it until about 10 years a go when I designed a 3,500 sf house for some clients who were born and raised in Mexico from very humble beginnings, but through hard work and education they worked themselves up to have the American Dream. The day I hand them a set of their finished plans, the wife began to cry and shake uncontrollably. Since I didn’t know what I had done or said, the husband started to narrate what they had to do in life to get to that point. They were so grateful and appreciative, that still today; their family treats me like a rock star every time I go to their home.
Shortly after that “incident”, I designed two mansions for two families that gave me the same wonderful experience. Then I realized how blessed and lucky I am to work in a field that I can bring such happiness to any family for the rest of their lives, regardless of their income or social status, and then I get paid for it.
Well Said Michael!
Michael that was a very
Michael that was a very comforting story to read. I was left with a sense of calmness. I would hope that many young people read your blog because your lesson is extremely valuable to understanding personal growth. Most people essentially want to enjoy what they do. As you made clear it only comes from knowing yourself, what you can handle, and from a craftsmans' point of view what your passions are. Sometimes it takes time to find your path because you have not really listened to yourself, or have been distracted by life issues that can cloud things. No matter whether you know from the start or you evolve through time, all of your experiences are valuable and contribute to who you are and what you end up being. Pride in ones personal craft creates a product that is pleasing to you and to those that you have created it for. Working with people that feel the same way is inspirational and highly motivating. From personal experience that really contributes to the positive feeling and a final product that performs well and pleases everyone in the process.
I think you are just another delusional contractor looking to explain away why he works too many hours for too little money.
卡尔,you old curmudgeon
If I didn't know you I'd almost think you were dissing Michael.
Curmudgeons always assume that anyone who's enjoying himself must be delusional.
See you next week, Carl.
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