Image Credit: Daniel Morrison
Image Credit: Daniel Morrison壁板带破坏了原本单调的海拔。The home's lowest floor has an exterior door on the north side. The walls of both floors were built with insulated concrete forms; the EPS foam is protected by a layer of stucco on the lowest floor and by fiber-cement siding on the upper floor. The shingle-sided gable walls were stick-framed.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen WilliamsFoam concrete forms.The insulated concrete forms were manufactured by Logix; plastic webs are used to connect the two sides of the expanded polystyrene (EPS) forms. The lower floor uses 11 3/4-in.-wide blocks (creating a 6-in.-wide concrete wall). The EPS forms become a permanent part of the house; the thermal resistance of the resulting wall is R-24.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen Williams碎石有助于保持平板干燥。用耙子将压碎的石头平衡,以准备安装2 1/2英寸厚的刚性EPS泡沫的连续水平层。Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen WilliamsTwo layers of 4-in. reinforcing mesh.The PEX tubing used to distribute heat is sandwiched between two layers of steel reinforcing mesh.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen WilliamsTwo types of ICF.步行地下室的墙壁是用比上层故事的墙壁厚的ICF建造的。混凝土厚度的差异提供了一种唇部,从中悬挂了开放式挡板托梁的顶部和弦。Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Toshi Woudenberg The pumper truck has a long arm.当将混凝土放置在隔热混凝土形式中时,混凝土浮力是必不可少的。Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen WilliamsA wall-hung boiler.This compact propane-fired boiler from Buderus supplies all of the home's space heat and domestic hot water. Above the boiler are two PVC pipes: one supplies outdoor combustion air, while the other is the flue that removes exhaust gases. The green circulator can be seen below the boiler.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Daniel MorrisonOpen-web floor trusses simplify plumbing.There's no need to drill holes through the joists when a house is framed with open-web floor trusses, so threading PEX tubing through the floor framing is relatively easy. Aluminum heat-transfer plates hold the PEX against the subfloor.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen WilliamsFastening siding to foam is tricky.Logix ICF blocks have webbing embedded in the foam to hold fasteners. The fiber-cement siding was installed with stainless-steel screws that catch the webbing.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Rouleen Williams喇叭头。The drywall-finished flared window jambs allow more light to enter the interior than 90° jambs.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Daniel MorrisonInconspicuous doors.The entry hall includes several doors that blend into the wall's red-stained paneling.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Daniel Morrison从水槽的视图。Anyone working at the kitchen sink can enjoy the view of the distant hills through the dining-room windows.Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Daniel MorrisonStained concrete.地下室的混凝土地板用红棕色的酸染色完成。Click 这里观看此家的视频游览。
Image Credit: Daniel Morrison
鲁琳·威廉姆斯(Rouleen Williams)
My plans to build a dream home took years to bear fruit. I took the first step in 1988, when I bought an 18-acre property in Salisbury, N.H. The lot slopes to the southwest, with a spectacular western view over a beaver pond to Mt. Kearsarge.
Designing and dreaming
I spent several years drawing plans and choosing where to site the house. My influences included Craftsman architecture, sustainable building practices, and small house designs. I love the Craftsman style because it is comfortable and inviting. Above all, I wanted a house that looked like it belonged on the site.
At first, I thought I wanted to build the shell with structural insulated panels (SIPs). One day I noticed that the truck parked beside my car had “SIP” painted on the door. I introduced myself to the driver, who explained that she and her husband were working with a local builder, Al Rossetto. She showed me Rossetto’s精美的房屋建筑article and gave me his phone number. I called Al, drove to see his home in Lancaster, and my project was launched.
Al is a knowledgeable and experienced construction consultant who only works with owner-builders. He convinced me that I could act as my own general contractor. He put me in touch with all of his subcontractors so that I had an idea of the price of the various steps in the process. Al agreed with my plan to use sustainable practices and products, and supported my goal of using mostly local contractors.
ICFs, not SIPs
Al工作的大多数房屋have a foundation built with insulating concrete forms (ICFs) and above-grade walls built with SIPs. I took such a liking to ICFs that I abandoned my original plan to use SIPs. I ended up using ICFs for the above-grade walls as well as for the foundation.
Building with ICFs reminded me of building with Legos. Although ICF construction is fairly straightforward, we had a few problems when strong winds blew some of the lightweight blocks away.
Floor joists
To facilitate the home’s open floor plan, we framed the floors with trusses capable of spanning the full width of the house. As a result, my large basement is free of center posts. Trusses also worked well for the attic, where there is no living space, only insulation.
We laid out the PEX tubing for the lower floor in one very long day. The tubing and reinforcement mesh resembled a large sandwich. We laid out 2 1/2-in.-thick EPS insulation over the crushed stone base, then put down a layer of 4-in. reinforcing mesh. Next, we installed the loops of PEX tubing, and finally another layer of the 4-in. grid wire. The tubing was held inside the frame with wire ties. During the concrete pour, we used pieces of tubing to lift the whole sandwich, suspending it above the insulation base so that the concrete would flow under it, with the tubing and mesh floating in the center of the slab.
Under the main floor I installed staple-up PEX tubing. Although this was certainly hard work, anyone could accomplish it. Threading the tubing (which comes in a 300-ft. roll) is like weaving. We first unrolled the PEX tubing outdoors. We laid one end where it would attach to the heating system and brought the other end back to make a loop in each truss bay, taking care not to kink the tubing. It’s a challenge to work over your head in a tight space between the trusses, trying to keep the PEX tubing against the subfloor above while avoiding the vents and other plumbing pipes. Some staplers tend to jam; one that worked well for us was a Duo-Fast electric stapler that shot 5/16-in. #5010c staples.
Flooring choices
Plumbing and electrical
I used PEX tubing for the domestic water system—red tubing for hot water, blue for cold.
我家里的电线是塞进通道s melted into the ICF foam using a tool similar to one used for the craft of wood burning. A wire loop the size of an electrical box is attached to the tool; when placed against the foam wall, it neatly cuts out a rectangle to receive a plastic outlet box. Even though the electricians were initially skeptical of the tool, it worked well. Cutting channels for wiring was done with an electric drill equipped with a bit the same diameter as the Romex wiring.
To provide electricity in emergencies, my house is equipped with a whole-house propane-fired generator, which cost $3,000.
I always try to save where I can, so I opted not to have air conditioning. I really enjoy living with the windows open and using cross ventilation to bring the outdoors in. On days when the windows are kept closed, fresh-air ventilation is provided by a Venmar energy-recovery ventilator (ERV).
Because my house started out with a lot of indoor humidity, especially in the basement, I thought that I might have to alter the ventilation system. When I asked Al about the situation, he said that there should be no excess humidity. It turned out one of the ventilation grilles in the downstairs closet had been improperly installed. Since that problem was rectified, the indoor air quality has been wonderful.
Before the house was insulated, I spent a lot of time on air-sealing details. Air-sealing work is much more important to the person who will ultimately pay the utility bill than it is to any contractor. All of the air-sealing work was done by me and my friends and relatives; as a result, I have a very tight house.
I would go up to the attic when the sun was on the east side to look for pinholes of light through every truss channel. I worked my way around the attic sealing every spot with spray foam. I did this for several days, with the sun shining on the house from different angles, until I was satisfied that there were no air leaks.
We insulated the ceiling with 16 in. of cellulose (R-60).
Low-maintenance materials
外墙安装特殊紧固件that penetrated into the ICFs just deep enough to catch the webbing (1/2 in. under the foam). After much trial and error, we settled on 1 1/2-in. self-starting, square-drive stainless-steel screws purchased from a company in Wisconsin. These screws were so expensive that I had the framers empty their aprons each day so that I could maintain the inventory. Twice I had to order more screws, shipped by overnight delivery, to have enough to keep the crew working.
Interior framing
I used conventional wood framing for the interior partitions. I love having the flexibility to move a wall—for example, a wall that didn’t allow enough access to the closet in the master bedroom. Since none of the interior partitions are bearing walls, the change was easy to make.
By building my own house, I learned that ordinary people can become green builders. Al Rossetto provided a step-by-step program that made it possible for me to have the house of my dreams. I ended up with an airtight house with a fresh-air ventilation system, and I did a good deal of the building myself. I did not know that was possible, but with the encouragement of Mr. Rossetto, it became a reality.
The contractors were unfamiliar with ICFs. After the walls were half-built, rebar and metal strapping protruded from the tops of the concrete. The framers, who didn't realize these were critical wall components, wanted to cut off the protruding pieces of metal to get them out of their way when they were setting floor trusses.
The plumbers put a few unnecessary holes through the ICF foundation, and the electricians hacked away the ICF foam to expose the concrete that they were used to working with. After a few training sessions, however, the contractors all learned to work with this unfamiliar product. I can't say they embraced it—but the end result turned out fine.
General Specs and Team
Location: | Salisbury, NH |
卧室: | 2 |
Bathrooms: | 2 |
居住空间: | 2600 |
Cost: | 80 |
Design:Rouleen Williams,Al Rossetto和在线设计Construction consultant:Al Rossetto框架承包商:D&D Construction
Wall construction:R-24 logix ICF(总壁厚11 3/4英寸,楼下9 1/2英寸);Great Room山墙被粘贴在2x4上,充满了腔体绝缘,并连续1英寸的内部层。多异氰尿素。
视窗:Koltech triple-glazed
Ceiling insulation:16-in. cellulose (R-60)
壁板:CertainTeed fiber-cement lap siding
Space heat:丙烷式的布德鲁斯锅炉;水合地板辐射热分布
Water heater:Indirect Superstor tank
Domestic water pipes:PEX管
机械通气:Venmar Erv
5星 +能量星评级
Two questions
Sounds like a great project and a comfortable home! I have two questions - what was the R-value of your above-grade ICF walls and how did you get a bank to let you contract this yourself? Most banks around my parts won't lend to owner-builders, and even exclude some of the lower volume builders.
Wall R-value
虽然地下室墙s were made with ICFs that are thicker than the ICFs used to make the walls of the upper floor, all of the ICFs have the same EPS thickness, and therefore have the same R-value (R-24).
how much did this cost?
我也想要ICF,以及所有绿色功能。但是我受到$ 100平方英尺的预算的限制。
I too have thought of having a project manager instead of a general contractor who takes 20%. I need to start this project by April, 2010.
Any ideas?
Thanks very much.
Cost info
感谢您的问题。除了土地的费用外,鲁琳·威廉姆斯(Rouleen Williams)在房子上花费了每平方英尺80美元。她的地下室尚未完成。我已经将成本数字添加到规范框中。
I didn't think I could do this until builder/mentor Alan Rosetto put me on the path. I am so grateful because I never could have had a house like this without personal involvement
您看过马里兰州的地下房屋吗?搜索“ LivingwithMothereth”
Question about cost
Hello Rouleen & Martin, I am in the process of designing a small 28x28 cottage on land I own
in Manchester Center, VT I have look at ICF and SIP . You say it cost $80 per sq. ft to construct this home? does that inlcude the inside flooring siding and roofing & heating and plumbing?
Thanks for any info! your hosue loks great ! Andy in VT
I really like this house for its many reasons. What are the dimensions of the building? and the height from ground to peak.
thank you we are looking to build a very similar home. Thank you Rouleen you have done a wonderful job on your home with your builders support.
Response to Ali Ross
The footprint is 37' x 43' and the height (ground to peak) is 25' on the rear elevation.
Rouleen's home
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