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Brianrjh|Posted inGBA Pro Helpon

我的燃气锅炉已经25岁了,仍然可以正常工作,但有一天会死。我也试图摆脱化石燃料。现有的铸铁辐射器的水温低至140*f。请参阅下面的附件,了解我如何到达。我住在马里兰州,Stick建造了1925 1 1/2故事屋。地下室不在条件区域中。现在,我几乎完全隔热了地下室天花板。条件区域为1275平方英尺。夏季,室外设计温度15*F,室内68*F和95/75。HDD约为2853。适度潮湿,40粒差异。 Winter ACH 1 per hour; summer .5 per hour. 3 occupants, plus dog. 1 pellet stove in Living room, tight.
总热负荷25399 BTU / h和冷负荷18,314 BTU/h.
在这里,我只是发现了一个错误,在能源成本分析手册J Show 4500 HDD下,只有1250 CDD。Eai.gov显示了南大西洋的2853 HDD,1964年用于冷却。我跑了手册。

My room by room calc. shows my lossiest room at 4942 heat loss at design temp and my radiator emits 7560 at 140* water. All my existing room are like that. I know Air/water heat pumps only give out 130-140* water, but it seems I should be fine with that. The idea comes from John Siegenthaler at HPAC.


This involves use of a buffer tank, with a coil for DHW, but I still don’t know how that would work in the summer, and a fan coil unit for forced air cooling.

Is there any reason why this could not work?


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  1. walta100||#1

    As long as you do not mind spending more than twice as much money to design and install the system, twice as much to service the equipment and 15% more to operate the equipment keeping the hydronic system will work great.


  2. Kieran973||#2



  3. Brianrjh||#3

    因此,我去了Chiltrix CX34-2,主要是在电工和水管工的帮助下安装的。我还将地下室纳入了条件区域,主要是通过使用Insofast 2“泡沫绝缘材料。从1925年开始,这是一项非常艰难的工作,从结构上固定墙壁,不用说,这些“泥瓦匠”并没有跪在标准块布局的变化上,但这并不是我可以挖掘他们的坟墓对他们大喊大叫)。
    The Chiltrix is working ok now ( the highest honor mechanical equipment can rate, in my opinion) although it has taken quite a bit of troubleshooting and massaging to get it to that state.
    But yeah, I ditched the radiators, and got Fan Coil Units, and DHW 60 gallon tank. No buffer tank.

  4. Brianrjh||#4


  5. charlie_sullivan||#5

    Thanks for the report of your conversion. That's great to hear and nice that it worked out that you could do a lot yourself.

  6. Kieran973||#6

    感谢您提供的所有信息,Brian。我检查了Chiltrix CX34(以及Insofast)。我知道您对地下室砌体的意思 - 我有一个野石基金会,看起来它是由随机选择的岩石的孩子建造的。Chiltrix看起来很棒,但是我真的没有技能来安装它或自己对其进行故障排除。我认为我可能要做的是现在将散热器放入,将一些空对空热泵放在一楼(我们只有踢脚板散热器),看看是否有任何简单的空气到水单元出现在市场上在接下来的几年中。我希望有一个空对水泵几乎像热泵热水器一样难以安装和维护,但是空气对水单元的优雅似乎是一个主要的维护问题,尤其是如果您不知道你在做什么(我不)...



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