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我房子的一部分仍然有一个大约4 1/2至5英尺高的空间。我在地球上放了一张沉重的塑料,然后添加了一些破碎机粉尘以将其固定在适当的位置。不用说,这并没有阻止水分从地面上升起。空间总是潮湿的,因此上面的房间在温暖的月份总是有潮湿的气味,冬天的地板非常寒冷。

I did put 1-inch white styrofoam on the outside walls but that made no discernable difference. Is there any way to insulate the floor without pouring concrete?

你有什么建议我可以什么do to insulate the ceiling in this space to try and make the floors above warmer in winter?


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  1. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#1

    In order, here are the steps necessary to address a damp crawl space:



    4. If the crawl space is still damp, it may be necessary to install a French drain around the inside perimeter of the crawl space. This trench should have a perforated drain pipe leading to a sump. The trench should be filled with clean crushed stone.


    6. Install a heavy-duty plastic sheet on the crawl space floor, with taped seams. Secure the edges of the plastic to the crawl space walls with a pressure-treated batten secured to the foundation wall with masonry anchors.



  2. 河流||#2


    You don't indicate what kind of foundation walls you have. If the floor is dirt, I suspect that the walls are dry-stacked stone and leak like a sieve.

    You can follow all of Martin's recommendations to try, possibly in vain, to make such a cellar dry - or you can vent the space and insulate and seal the floor above, providing the floor framing is not covered with wires and pipes and there is no ductwork in the cellar.


  3. 格温·史密斯·唐克里尔(Gwen Smith-Dockrill)||#3

    Thanks so much for the advice. I realize that I probably did not provide enough information in my initial question. I don't believe there is any water getting into the basement from the rain. I did have the original concrete block foundation removed about eight years ago and replaced with solid concrete foundation walls.


    I am wondering if there would be any benefit to putting rigid styrofoam on top of the earth floor and maybe something to hold that in place as a way of keeping the moisture from coming up from the ground. The space is not used for any purpose, so there would be no need to walk on it, except for a path directly through the doorway and into the furnace area.

    I had thought of insulating the ceiling above the earth floor but have been told that if I were to put batts of fibreglass insulation on the ceiling and then use a vapour barrier to hold it in place that it would trap moisture and the floor above may rot. Someone else advised that I should do the batt insulation and use Tyvek or house wrap that is not moisure-proof to hold the insulation in place and possibly cut down on the coldness.


  4. 河流||#4




    If the furnace is in the basement, then you don't want to leave the vents open in the winter, and often humid summer air will cause condensation in a cold basement. So open vents may be counterproductive unless it's more humid in the basement than outdoors in the summer.

    玻璃纤维板是在潮湿的地下室中放入地板框架中的最糟糕的事情,而多蒸气屏障和房屋包装都不明智,因为它们都捕获水分 - 前者捕获所有水分和后者的液体液体水分,让我们允许。水蒸气通过。

    Short of damproofing and insulating the entire basement, including all walls, sills and rim joists, the simplest and most effective solution to both dampness and cold is to use 2" foil-faced polyisocyanurate insulation board (Thermax, High-R, etc) under the floor joists, well sealed at all joints and edges. The foil is a perfect vapor barrier, an excellent barrier to radiant flow between the floor and the ground below, and high-R insulation.

    In any case, sealing the earthen floor is essential. You could also put down a vapor barrier and pour a thin 2" layer of concrete to make it durable and walkable.



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