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地下室绝缘 /墙壁框架有限

杰伊·约翰逊|Posted in一般的问题

你好。我在明尼阿波利斯的1960年代牧场上工作,均低于等级,并拥有混凝土砌块基础。I’ve read pretty much all of the articles here about basement insulation, and I was set on doing the following: 2 inches of XPS glued to the block, then a 2×4 framed wall, and then either XPS or spray foam in the stud bays. HOWEVER…


1. 0.5” XPS on block wall, with 2×3 framed wall, and 2” XPS filling stud cavities
2. 1英寸XP在块壁上,有2x2固定在混凝土上,然后在螺柱腔中喷涂泡沫或喷雾泡沫
3. 2英寸XP在砌块墙上,1×3或1×4绑在混凝土上,干墙,连接到绑带

I don’t need to run electrical or anything else through this wall, as I will have 3 other sides with regular 2×4 walls to do that. Are any of these options worthwhile?


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  1. GBA编辑
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1


    如果您想挤出更多的空间,则可以使用一款刚性泡沫产品,该产品带有专为插入毛ring条设计的路由通道。有两个例子欧文·康宁(Owens Corning)胰岛素ABT Foam PreFur

    也有可能直接操纵胶水干墙id foam, if you can come up with a way to apply even pressure to the drywall until the glue dries. (Use scraps of plywood and lengths of 2x lumber that extend to the opposite wall.)

    That said, you have a bigger problem than figuring out how to insulate your wall. If your basement is "all below grade," as you explain, then a basement bedroom is illegal unless you can find a way to install a properly sized window for emergency egress. That type of window requires a very big window well, usually with masonry or concrete steps.

  2. 杰伊·约翰逊||#2

    Hi Martin. Thanks for your response. In regards to the basement window, luckily there is already a small basement window in the space that I am finishing. Thus, I will enlarge it and make it a code-approved egress window in order to consider is a bedroom.



  3. 杰伊·约翰逊||#3

    Martin, after thinking about this some more, I realized that I will have to go the route of gluing drywall to the foam itself. I can't acquire InsulPink (won't meet minimum order), and if I use 1x4 furring, then I won't be able to meet the code-minimum for basement wall insulation in my zone. I need R-15, which would be three inches of XPS. I only have three inches of room for the insulation/wall combo, so it will all be used up by the insulation. The only other option is using polyiso...but I have already purchased and brought home the XPS, so I kind of feel stuck with it.

  4. Eric V||#4


  5. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#5

    R402.2.8 Basement walls.
    Walls associated with conditioned basements shall be insulated from the top of the basement wall down to 10 feet (3048 mm) below grade or to the top of the footing, whichever is less. Foundation insulation shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Walls associated with unconditioned basements shall meet the requirements of this section unless the floor overhead is insulated in accordance with Sections R402.l.1 and R402.2.7 and the following requirements:





    None of the proposed insulating methods meet code. If you're going to do it any differently it's important to get sign off from the local code inspectors first, or you may be forced to rip it out and start over.

    挖到外部的基础上可能很困难或可能不困难或不昂贵。低于3英寸的XPS可以用4英寸的EPS隔热,您可以将其逐步回到上述零件上的2英寸,而内部的1” Polyiso在下面的5'年级。这将使CMU墙的底部向内部沥干并干燥,并应限制任何对霜冻靠立足的问题的担忧。在上述级别的部分和未绝缘的底部之间有5'的混凝土,实际上是R5,而不是很大的热量损失。

  6. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#6


  7. 杰伊·约翰逊||#7


    With that in mind, I still will want to design the room to have a 7-ft width in case I want to convert it to a bedroom (by adding egress window) in the future. My plan will be to use 2'' XPS on the block wall with 1x4 furring strips and drywall attached to the furring. Since this is only on one wall, I'm not worried about electrical.


  8. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#8


  9. 杰伊·约翰逊||#9


  10. GBA编辑
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#10


  11. 专家成员
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#11


    Even if you don't dig down to the footing on the exterior, with 2" of EPS or polyiso on the interior, fattening up the R on the exterior with 1.5-2" of EPS finished off with a cementicious EIFS such as QuiKrete Foam Coat down to at least a foot or two below grade will be worth it. The above-grade portion has by far the highest heat loss, and is well worth the bringing the above grade portion up to code min levels.

    2“ⅱ型EPS R8.4运行,在1.5”R6.3。所以with 2" of interior side EPS and 1.5" of exterior above-grade EPS the above grade portion that counts the most would be R14.7, nearly R15 from a labeled perspective, but since EPS gains performance as it's tempearture drops, it would actually exceed R15 during the winter months.

    在2英寸时,Polyiso将标记为R12-R13,但在较低的温度下失去了一定的性能,如果它是堆栈中唯一的绝缘材料,则在大约R9的中期性能中会有冬季性能1.5“外侧的EPS Polyiso性能将平均R10-R11,保持温暖,并更接近其性能温度范围更高。

    使用2“ + 2” EPS,您可以从CMU的热质量中获得适度的好处,即使在不计算热质量的情况下,它也会超过代码米。

  12. 蒂莫西·拉德西克(Timothy Radsick)||#12

    Another option is to attach 1.5" XPS to wall with 1" strapping (0.75" thick) and then fill in between the strapping with a layer of 3/4" XPS. Drywall on top of that -- in effect a 2.25" foam layer with inset strapping. Plus maybe some extra benefit from the staggered overlapping seams on the foam layers.

  13. 杰伊·约翰逊||#13


    Currently there is the standard 30'' wide basement window. I understand the code requirements for egress windows and wells, so I was planning on just lengthening the current window opening in the concrete block foundation. By doing so, I will meet the requirements for the finished sill above the floor as well as the well height below the outside grade.






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