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Dbuzz|Posted in一般的问题on

我想重做我们的地下室浴室。我住在PGH,PA。这所房子建于60年代初。地下室浴室是一个8'x 6'区域,带有彩色煤渣墙和水泥天花板和地板。(它实际上坐在我们的前台下 - 大致)。整个浴室都在地下坐落。我过去一年里,我在这个房间里一直保持避寒,并且没有看到它超过60%,所以它令人惊讶的是一个相对干燥的房间。

我想重做这个浴室。我现在正在移动淋浴排水管,这是所有铸铁(以及厕所和水槽也不好玩)。但我想知道我可以对绝缘材料做些什么。我知道我将不得不隔绝。问题是,我需要将PEX和Romex运行到夹具,这需要在墙壁之外。我正在考虑用木螺柱(〜30“x 60”)和凿子之间的摇滚滑块和储渣池来研究淋浴。由于这是每英寸重要的小空间。

Can I put Rockwool against cinderblock? Is that enough R value for the space? Since there will be a shower I know condensation and humidity are a factor. I’m going to put a vent in there as well. Should I put like a 1/2” or 3/4” rigid foam against floor and ceiling? We wanted to tile the floor.

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  1. Steve Knapp CZ 3A格鲁吉亚||#1


    我会给你一个凹凸,看看我们是否可以生成一些回复。供参考。如果冬季湿度为60%,那可能不是一件好事。(看// one article on this topic.) Also inexpensive hygrometers are often not very reliable.

    Is there any evidence of water infiltration into the basement? Do you have a sump (and does it run)? Air permeable insulation in the basement can be problematic. Better to go with rigid foam applied to the interior walls. (纹理--a-basement-壁为此主题提供指导。)

  2. Dbuzz||#2

    Sorry, humidity level in basement during winter is around 40% or lower. Just wanted to make the point that even at the most humid/hottest points of the summer, it won’t go above 60%. Also wanted to mention I have two supplies and a return to the basement as well. So it’s conditioned.

    No water infiltration. There was at one point but found out the downspout (right before we moved in) was not properly directed away from the house . Water was running down the side of the house and must have made it way via a crack or something. Water was minimal - maybe an 1/8” at its worst. At any rate, I fixed the downspout and the basement has been drier than ever. (Kept the basement unfinished for a few months during rain to make sure).


  3. 专家成员



    If you are tight on space, you can install 2" of foil facedpolyiso on the walls (if the walls are smooth, these can just be glued in place) and build a 2x3 stud wall in front. From energy savings perspective, you can just leave studs empty, but it doesn't hurt to get some fluffy in there, the R8 attic stuff can work.

    This wall is only slightly thicker overall than a standard 2x4 wall but completely eliminates the chance of moldy insulation down the road.

  4. Dbuzz||#4


    Yeah sort of a bummer. Really like that Rockwool stuff. I actually just reconfigured the shower drain to fit the shower base with 3.5” from wall. So with a 2” polyiso and r8 that would put me above the R10 right? Could I get away with a 1” rigid foam (does it have to be foil faced?) with the batt between studs? Can I go unfaced batt?

    Should I also be insulating ceiling? Same thickness? Ceiling is all concrete.


    感谢大家的意见。我生活在我的头脑里面很多 - 有助于有一些输入。

    1. 专家成员


      If the ceiling is outside the building envelope, which it probably is if it’s under your stairs (assuming they are stairs to an outdoor porch or similar), then you’d want to insulate that too.

      You need that R10 minimum of rigid foam between the exterior wall and your plumbing. If you only have some PEX supply lines and electrical to run in the walls (no drains), you could use 2x3s flat against the wall to give you a 1.5” chase for mechanicals. This and 1/2” drywall would be your minimum dimension wall for this.


  5. Dbuzz||#6


    R8提及AKOS的评论早期 - 除了刚性泡沫之外,底座绝缘材料也是如此。

    Yeah it’s all outside of the building envelope. I was thinking the same thing with the 2x3s lying flat. That in addition to the 2” should still satisfy what I measured for the shower base - 3.5”.



    1. 专家成员

      If you have to cut some of the slab, you can do small cuts using an angle grinder and a concrete cutting disc. Start by marking where your trench needs to go, then use the angle grinder to cut the lines 1-2 inches deep. Use a rotary hammer or similar with a chisel attachment in hammer-only mode to crunch the concrete you need to remove into chunks. The slits you cut with the angle grinder will ensure you have clean edges for your trench.

      If you need to do a long cut, it’s often better to hire a concrete contractor. Be sure to use proper PPE when working with the concrete as the dust is hazardous. Wet cutting will cut the dust down, but will throw concrete slurry all over so you get to pick a dusty dry mess or a muddy wet mess.


      1. 专家成员


        我用一个带有7 1/4“钻石刀片的旧圆锯为此。如果您正在水域工作,请确保已插入GFCI。

        1. 专家成员
          Malcolm Taylor||#9

          And wash off the slurry quickly. It can dry almost as hard as it was initially.




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