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Best strategy to rehang the ceiling drywall?

露西na De Barbaro|发布General Questions

我们的地下室(地面)房间因厨房和餐桌所在的上层的噪音而极大地遭受。步行和移动的椅子的噪音非常明显。我想改进它。在悬挂天花板干墙之前,我们应该已经使用了弹性通道,但我们没有。还有16英寸高的地板托梁 - 也许腔甚至会放大噪音?一楼只是硬木地板,其下方的软木层最小(非常薄)。

I presume it is best not to remove the existing drywall from the ceiling in the basement, just open it up in few spots to drop down the lights. The contractor suggest attaching a horizontal channel all around the walls, few inches below ceiling, to rest the drywall edges there, and otherwise only use wire to hang the second layer of drywall. Are there some such products/devices available or is this all a kluge? (Any pictures/description on what that should be..?). He believes resilient channel on its own (attached to ceiling) won’t be good enough. Could people recommend some products and/or suggest the best strategies? I would be probably willing to pay for SilentFX or similar drywall (or Homasote?) that also dampen the acoustical wave. Is IsoTrax from good?

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  1. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#1


    Don't do as your contractor recommends. Adding additional layers of drywall with a gap between it and the existing layer is a very common mistake and makes the sound attenuation worse not better.

    It illustrates the problems with adding any acoustical dampening in isolation. They often act in unpredictable ways, sometimes working, sometimes making things worse. That's why wall and ceiling are tested and rated as complete assemblies.

    I would suggest looking at tested assemblies and finding one that looks like it would work in your situation. They are online at a variety of sources. Try searching for "STC rated floor/ceiling assemblies", or some variation on that. A well installed version of a tested assembly will perform predictably and solve your problem.

  2. 露西na De Barbaro||#2

    Hi Malcolm,
    Thank you for your advice! We should then proceed to remove the existing ceiling drywall first, is that correct?

  3. Expert Member
    Malcolm Taylor||#3



    You may find it best to start from scratch and remove the drywall, add Res bar, perhaps with clips, insulate the joist bays and then drywall - with a whole lot of variations on what materials and how many layers you use.

    Or you may find an assembly that just adds layers to the existing ceiling. Green glue, mass-loaded vinyl, specialty drywall...


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