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Changing off grid house to grid and HVAC

mikeysp|Posted in一般的问题on


I am unsure how he should proceed. He is doing it all himself or with friends and is ready to do what he needs to to remedy the situation, but his pockets are shallow, so I am trying to identify what he NEEDS to do, what he OUGHT to do, and what is NICE to do for a po man like him.
I have not offered any specific advice, but told him that fixing his assemblies for proper air tightness and insulation is a minimum necessity, or he will have a cup of ice sitting on a picnic table on a hot humid day – condensation, mold., rot… a big headache.
3.使用Tyvek Housewrap。
4. Remove R-19 from cathedral ceiling and air seal rafters to OSB from interior using a liquid applied sealant.
5.在较深的通道上,用另外2×4的afters scab the脚,并在泡沫板和OSB之间安装1英寸刚性泡沫板1英寸的空气通道,然后安装R-30玻璃纤维棒。
8. To achieve interior wall air sealing also, use air sealed OSB inside, painted black under 1x finish walls or unpainted under his tin wall coverings… or use drywall instead of 1x and tin.
9. Put foam board over housewrap to give him thermal break and increase R-value.
What do you think of my ideas?


-Mike P.代表我的朋友Mike S.

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  1. 专家成员

    You definitely need a semi decent air barrier under rough cut. Your idea of either interior drywall or OSB is a good one. You can get there with a well detailed smart vapor barrier but that might be more work than it is worth and easy to damage.

    For the roof you are correct that it needs venting. More than venting it needs an air tight ceiling though. Don't get caught up on larger elaborate vent channels and such, makes sure there is one ( cheap foam box store baffles are good enough), that it goes from the soffit to the ridge and vents are sized properly with more area at the soffit than the ridge. With R19 batts installed properly in the ceiling cavity it is probably good enough as is even without vent baffles.

    A ceiling that doesn't leak air, needs very little venting. No amount of venting will get you out of trouble with a leaky ceiling. So focus on air tight ceiling.


    For the exterior, taping the sheathing is a good thing. There is nothing wrong with felt for house wrap, it is cheap and it works.

    Taping the seams of the subfloor in the house would also help. Generally an insulated shallow foundation is better but a lot more cost.

    1. mikeysp||#3

      Ok, thank you very much for the advice. He is very grateful and was glad to hear the ceiling can be improved in both R and air by adding a meticulous foam board between the kraft bats and the 1x finish ceiling.

  2. 专家成员
    Malcolm Taylor||#2


    There is no point air-sealing the roof sheathing to the rafters if you are providing a ventilation gap. Move the air-sealing to the interior, and as Akos said, do a meticulous job.

  3. Jon R||#4


    Review how to find air leaks with a window fan (vs an official blower door).

    1. mikeysp||#5

      Thanks for that Jon. A poor man's blower door test would be splendid for helping him tighten up his leaky house.

  4. mikeysp||#6

    How critical is the interior wall air sealing? If his exterior wall sheathing is tight, is he good?

    1. 专家成员

      Warm side air barrier falls into the belts and suspenders category. Since the air sealing wasn't part of the original design, it is hard to get perfect. If your sheathing is tight and your fiberglass install is good, you don't need it



      1. mikeysp||#8


        IFR是,他可以使用“扩展的聚苯乙烯泡沫”或“ XPS”吗?我认为他不能使用Poli-ISO?


        1. 专家成员



        2. 专家成员
          Zephyr7||# 10

          注意,很多thinner EPS out there, especially the stuff commonly stocked by the box stores, will have a poly facer that will make it vapor impermeable. You’ll want to be sure to get UNfaced EPS if you go that route and want the wall to have some drying ability.




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