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Closed cell foam in attic: can I get away without doing a full Flash & Batt

John Chard.|发布了能源效率和耐用性


House is 1916 farmhouse in zip code 06820 (CZ 5). The attic is made up of rafters that that are not even 5.5 inches (more like 5 inches) and around 23 inches o.c. Its a small attic with only standing room dead on center as the house is roughly 25 x 30 ft. Ridge line runs north-south and roof generally gets plenty of sun, particularly on western side. We plan to add our PV on western side.

I am reticent to use foam (off-gassing, embedded energy etc) but recognize its my best option to tighten up the attic. After reading Martins update on the risks of just using the fluffy stuff with smart membranes, I want to strike a balance between air tightening it and DIY.

Q1。我可以逃脱两英寸的泡沫,只有我们还有其他出现的风险吗?我已经看到了冰坝的提到 - 这个或其他问题的后果是什么?
Q2. If I need to do more based on Q1. can I just pile the fluffy stuff on the floor in the attic (we are using one corner for storage) ?



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  1. Jon R.||#1

    Your plan is for an unvented/conditioned attic or a vented/unconditioned attic? Unless you have ducts up there, I suggest the latter - all insulation on the floor.

  2. Brian Pontolilo||#2


    随着JON R提到的,方法 - 绝缘屋顶线VS绝缘阁楼楼 - 非常不同。绝缘屋顶线(通风或不透过)将阁楼带入房屋的条件空间。绝缘阁楼楼层在条件空间外保持阁楼(冬季冷,夏季热)。


    How to Build an Insulated Cathedral Ceiling
    How to Insulate an attic floor

  3. John Chard.||#3

    Thanks Jon and Brian.

    I forgot to mention. Our second floor mini split will be ducted and the air handler and duct work will be up there. Its an old attic with a flimsy timber door and narrow stair case. The attic floor does have cellulose blown in. The efficiency contractors from Eversource have tried some simple weather stripping. This will be our first winter here and I worry it will be like a fridge with a plywood door!

    So given this and the ductwork, I thought foaming it would make sense to at least make it airtight?!

  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    It can sometimes even be cheaper to build an air sealed utility-chase/platform over the mini-duct cassette & ducted region and install R49 above the platform than to put R49 at the roof deck. Installing short ducts to ceiling diffusers at the interior side of the rooms with ceiling diffusers designed to throw air toward the exterior walls/windows can keep the size of that platformed area small. An insulated weatherstripped hatch or door to the utility chase under the hatch can provide service access. That approach would require air dams in every joist bay that crosses under the mini-wall of the chamber.


    Some thought has to be given to the return path ducting. A common return grille in a section of ceiling (perhaps set up for swapping the filter media without going into the attic) using partition wall cavities as jump ducts to the common areas can usually work. With a grille into the partition stud bay near the floor in the doored-off room and near the ceiling on the common space side of the walls provides better sound & light isolation than door cuts at the threshold, and better mixing than transom grilles or jump ducts penetrating the ceiling.

    1. John Chard.||#5


      So what I am hearing is-
      1. No ductwork, then R49 the floor
      2. Ductwork, then I could create an air sealed utility chase with R49 outside (ie a room within the room) or I foam and seal the roof deck at 4" at

      Is this right? Is there an option where its roofline PLUS attic floor?



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