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艾米(房主)|发布了Green Building Techniques

I plan to have the crawl space vented due to the additional cost to seal the crawl space. Home is at
Northern California – 5 months of heating season – wet cold weather, no snow, rarely go below freezing, low typically in 50s. Dry summer and I don’t plan to have AC. There will be plumbing pipes and electrical wires in the crawlspace. Most new homes use fiberglass in the floor joist cavity in my area.

I read through the existing threads and most relevant information I found is from Robert’s suggestion: “use 2″ foil-faced polyisocyanurate insulation board (Thermax, High-R, etc) under the floor joists, well sealed at all joints and edges. The foil is a perfect vapor barrier, an excellent barrier to radiant flow between the floor and the ground below, and high-R insulation.”

1) Does the same solution apply to my weather with plumbing and electrical wires in the crawl space? I want material that has least negative impact to IAQ.

- 如果我想在地板托牙腔内添加额外的绝缘,你推荐什么材料?马丁在爬行空间中推荐纤维素。
– If the moisture (plumbing leak) gets into the floor joist cavity, Will it dry upward into living space?
- 是合适的产品?网站提到墙壁和天花板,而不是地板。
– Just want to be sure – I assume the 2″ insulation board is glued/nailed to the floor joists and with large air gap between the insulation board and ground dirt, right?

2) Where does the plumbing and electrical wire go?
– between the insulation board and ground dirt?
– between the floor and insulation board? This will reduce the crawl space clearance but may be OK.


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  1. Riversong||#1





  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay||#2


    If you have a crawlspace with plumbing, it is false economy to try to save money by omitting insulation on your crawl space walls. I strongly advise you to protect your plumbing pipes by omitting vents -- a savings, by the way, compared to installing vents in your foundation -- and by insulating your crawl space walls to retain your home's heat.

  3. Riversong||#3


    I should add that there is typically far less surface area to insulate on the crawlspace walls than there is in the floor above (unless it's a small addition).

    Another, but more costly, method of sealing and insulating the crawlspace is to spray closed-cell foam on the walls, sills and rim joists. This is one of the few places where I would suggest using spray foam. This also helps seal the ground VB to the walls.

    Make sure than any access door is also insulated and weathersealed.

  4. Peter Bernhardt||#4


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