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Crawlspace Insulation; getting conflicting information

Micah Whitman|发布了Energy Efficiency and Durabilityon

I recently bought a 1974 single story ranch house in the northern front range of Colorado. After insulating and air sealing in the attic I’m turning my attention to the crawlspace that is vented to the outside. There is a a robust vapor barrier in place already. My furnace, ductwork, and plumbing are all in the crawlspace.


I’d appreciate any thoughts..thanks!

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  1. GBA Editor
    Peter Yost||#1

    Hi Micah -

    1. Is the portion of your crawlspace foundation above-grade without any moisture protection and absorbing bulk water? If so, you need to move that load off of the foundation and/or apply a moisture-resistant coating of some sort. You can paint the concrete.
    2. If your concrete crawlspace wall can dry to the exterior, then it does not matter whether or not your interior insulation is vapor permeable. More important that the unvented crawlspace has a continuous air control layer at the perimeter, particularly up in the rim joist assembly.

    1. Micah Whitman||#5

      That's helpful, thanks!

  2. Steve Knapp CZ 3A Georgia||#2


    Have you read Martin's article on crawl spaces (//

    I think the biggest concern would be at the sill plate. Can you tell if there is a capillary break?

    I suspect the experts will suggest that your contractor is misinformed.

  3. Expert Member


    Personally, I think having the capillary break in place is the safest option.


  4. Expert Member
    Dana Dorsett||#4

    Using 3" of reclaimed polyiso on the walls that stops a foot from the floor would allow ample drying toward the interior, even if there isn't much above grade exposure. Taping the cut bottom edge of the polyiso and installing 3.5" rock wool in that bottom foot would deliver the code-min R15.

    Used foam is dirt cheap (usually much cheaper than batts, WAY cheaper than rigid rock wool) and fairly avaiable in your area:

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