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QBRT|Posted in一般的问题on


Here are my design goals:
* Passive house compliant (~R-67)
* Flat roof
* No spray foam (for maintenance, health, and environmental reasons)
* No cellulose (for fire safety reasons)

I’ve been reading everything I can find, but roof construction is very confusing for a novice! I just finished working through NYC 2022 building code (based on IBC 2015) and doing all of the load calculations. To get 25′ spans, I’ll need to use 2x12s. While this will probably be expensive, this gives nice deep rafter bays to fill with insulation. Given my constraints above, fiberglass and Rockwool seem to be my only options to fill the bays.

That leads me to a design something like:
5.5″ XPS (R-22)

Is this a reasonable design? I would really appreciate a sanity check or ideas for improvement! Also, where is the right place for an air barrier and WRB barrier in this?

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  1. Expert Member
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1



    1. QBRT||#2

      Thanks, this seems to roughly validate my approach -- the articles and comments took me down a chain of articles that I think answered my questions :)


      // the WRB can either go underneath or on top of the foam. Since I'll probably go with an integrated air/water barrier (like zip system), I think that answers all of my questions. Thanks!

  2. Expert Member


    Dense packed borate treated cellulose simply won't burn in any house fire. Similar to mass timber structures, there is too much mass, it might char but that is about it. By that time there is probably nothing left of the house.




    As for your assembly, since it is a roof there is no WRB. Water barrier is the actual roofing. You do need a couple more control layers bellow the roof membrane.

    From the inside out.


    Above that goes the batts or dense pack insulation between the rafters.

    Your roof deck should be your main air barrier. Plywood or OSB with taped seams is the simplest. Make sure to figure out how to tie this to your wall to ensure air barrier continuity.

    Rigid insulation above this and your membrane roof either directly onto the rigid or over a cover board.

    您要在绿色版本中使用的最后一件事是常规XPS。它具有高GWP吹剂的爆炸,该剂的扩散很快,因此长期R值与EPS大致相同。您需要较新的低GWP XPS,EPS,GPS或Polyiso。



    1. QBRT||#4



      1. Expert Member

        The high R value roofs are recommended when you are using cheap insulation like blown in fiberglass or cellulose. With these the incremental cost of more insulation is essentially noise compared to the house budget, even R100 is easy.

        Once you add in rigid insulation or spray foam into the equation, the incremental R value costs goes through the roof. With high R value roofs, in terms of simple ROI on energy saved you are looking at centuries.


      2. Expert Member

        XPS和EPS着火时,会产生燃烧着火的熔炉,从而散发出火。Polyiso Chars,所以更安全。玻璃纤维和矿物质羊毛本质上是不可燃烧的,因此在耐火性方面它们最安全,在这方面,矿物质羊毛优于玻璃纤维。

        Aside from that though, I agree with Akos here -- cellulose has been used for many decades, and it's not known as a fire risk. If your main concern is fire risk, I would pay more attention to fire blocking and air sealing, which will help limit the spread of fire and smoke migration. I would also use 5/8" drywall throughout to slow the spread of fire. You could also put spring hinges on all the doors to keep them closed, which also helps to limit fire spread. Running all your electrical wiring in conduit will also help provide some additional protection.



    2. Kyle Bentley||#6


      我以前看过此评论 - “当涉及到热量损失时,屋顶几乎是另一个表面,除非您也有R67墙,否则拥有R67屋顶是没有意义的。我非常了解什么可以使这一真实的物理学。

      The exitance from the sun is mostly the irradiance on the roof, and not the walls. That's where the energy is coming from, trying to make its way into your house, through the roof. Perhaps its different in cooler climates, or more equal I should say, but in the south it's very apparent where they energy is coming from, and it only makes sense to slow its transfer down as much as possible, IE more insulation.


      1. Expert Member

        In colder climate, your heat loss is determined by the temperature delta between indoors and outdoor, area of the surface and R value of the assembly.

        关于the only difference between a roof and a wall is that a roof will see a bit more loss during a clear night due to radiative loss and gain a bit during day as the sun will warm the roof surface. Overall these two effects seem to cancel out in most climates.

        When it comes to cooling load, it is a different story. In that case most of your heat gain comes from glazing, air leaks and sun beating down on the roof. Even on a sweltering hot day, the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors is not that much this is why wall R value doesn't matter too much.

        For example, around me my winter heating design delta T is 68F. The summer cooling delta T is only 9F.

        Overall, in a heating dominated climate, a roof is just another surface no different from a wall. 1000 sqft of R30 roof will have about the same heat loss as 1000 sqft of R30 walls.



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